Chapter forty one

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Willa POV

Numerous interviews with police officers kept me up most of the night, having to repeat everything to each individual person made me sob with no end. Then of course having to wait beside Evan's hospital bed and pray that he wakes up.

I hated that I didn't shoot the trigger sooner; if only I acted on my thoughts rather then let them ponder. Now Evan is on life support after major surgery. The doctor said he should pull through but that didn't make me feel any less nervous, he had a stab wound right next to his heart, it was a miracle that she missed just by a few mere inches otherwise I would of lost him.

Clutching Evan's hand I lowered my head onto his chest, trying to suppress my tears as I prayed. It wasn't that long ago that Evan had to hold me after Alex abused me and now it seems we have swapped positions; luckily for me Alex never tried to kill me.

"Evan I know you can't hear me, but my answer is yes"

My lips curled into a smile "I want to marry you. I'm so sorry I didn't say yes before. Please wake up"

I planted a soft kiss on his hand, wishing he could get up and hold me. I needed him, I wanted to feel his strong heartbeat against my own as we lay cuddled in bed together.


Three weeks later

Evan woke up a few days ago, the doctor of course wanted to watch over him hence why he wasn't yet home but today was the day. I got to take him back home to where he belongs. Evan couldn't recall much of what happened as if it was a coping mechanism. I wasn't complaining though; I didn't want him to relive his trauma.

"You're ready to go home Evan" the doctor instructed with her clipboard up against her chest. Evan nodded "thank you for everything"

"Yes.. thank you for saving him" I choked, my tears wetting my cheeks due to happiness. Finally after what felt like an eternity the hospital trips would end; my Evan was okay.

"Let's get you home" I said warmly, my cheeks creasing into a smile.

"I cannot wait" Evan chuckled but instantly he held onto his chest with pain. "I forget this shit hurts"

My face faltered as I grabbed his hand "we will make sure to keep you dosed up on painkillers"

Helping Evan from bed I pulled his sweatpants on and then his top which he wasn't too pleased about. "You don't have to tend to me like a child Willa"

I frowned "shut up will you, you're in no fit state to dress yourself"

Evan pulled me close, suppressing the pain he was obviously experiencing. "Kiss me you moron" I blushed and without a second of a doubt I pressed my lips onto his. "Thank you for looking after me, it's just humiliating"

I moved my lips away and kissed his forehead "baby, don't be humiliated. You nearly died"

Evan nodded and grabbed my hands "I'm so happy my heart is still beating to spend the rest of my life with you"

I hadn't told Evan about the baby, he forgot all those memories from that night like I mentioned which included me saying he was going to be a father. He also didn't know I said yes to his proposal in the end given his sleeping state; I would tell him in my own time.

Guiding Evan into our car I buckled him in securely, throwing his bags into the back seat. "I've been dreaming about this for weeks"

Evan smirked "what, taking me home?"

I nodded "I was worried sick, now I know you're not going to die it comes as some sort of relief" I chuckled lightly now pressing my foot to the gas.

Evan kept staring at me the entire drive home which I wasn't complaining about, I adored his eyes on me and I adored him generally. "Least we haven't got anything else to worry about now. Alex and Lyla are gone"

Evan scratched the back of his neck "it feels surreal and too good to be true. I've lived with that threat looming over my shoulders for as long as I can remember"

"I know.. and same with Alex. But karma always wins"

The rest of the journey home was silent which I didn't disapprove of, when you're with someone you truly love you don't have to talk to be contented with one another's company and I couldn't wait to tell Evan, yes.

Now home the security guards helped us indoors, Evan of course yet again complaining as he could apparently do it. But I scolded him for his stubborn behaviour; men will be men.

The house smelt like lavender and honey which I especially adored; making the apartment feel a little bit like me. Evan seemed to approve with his nose scrunching up with a smile following afterwards. "Wow it doesn't smell like a man den anymore"

I laughed "it sure doesn't" I had also gotten us a new rug and rearranged the furniture so the couch was more so at an angle and not directly in the middle. Meaning more space.

"You definitely enjoyed this" Evan teased indicating to him being in hospital. I shrugged my shoulders "it was about time I tried making this place feel like mine too"

The security guards left, leaving us to it. I made Evan a cup of black coffee and sat next to him. The warmth of his shoulders making me hum in delight; I missed this so much. "You're incredible..." he muttered

I blushed "no Evan, you're incredible for pulling through. Thank you"

"Well I kind of didn't have a choice"

"You did have a choice and you chose life. You fought Evan and you should be so proud of yourself" I replied with my lips pursed.

"E-Evan I've been wanting to talk to you about something very important. But of course you being in hospital I never got the chance" I spoke nervously, twiddling with my thumbs.

Evan perked interest and nodded at me, placing his coffee on the little table in-front of us. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

"I-I should of to begin with but I suppose I was scared"

"What do you mean baby? Tell me" Evan said with concern. His eyebrows now furrowed and his smile turning into complete panic.

"Evan I do want to marry you, my answer is yes"

Evan's eyes brimmed with tears and he instinctively pulled me into him. "You've just made me the happiest man alive" pulling back he ran a thumb over my cheek to my lips. "As long as you're sure? I was meant to apologise for that night. I shouldn't of been so awful-

Placing a finger to his lips I shushed him "no don't you dare apologise. Evan the answer is yes. I'll be the one in white"

Evan began to kiss me passionately, his hands gripping at my hips with my own arms around his neck and drawing him closer.

This is what love is

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