Chapter twenty six

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Evan went and grabbed everyone coffee for the early start which we were all appreciative for, Emma made sure to not leave his side though when he was around me which made me groan.

"To.. the first day of filming!" Evan exclaimed as he raised his takeaway coffee cup in the air which made everyone laugh.

We all connected cups and shook our heads "as if we just made a toast with coffee" I joked which made Sarah laugh. "That's Evan, peculiar as usual"

Emma falsified a smile whilst letting out an obvious forced laugh "yes, my Evan is just so.. funny"

Rolling my eyes I took a sip of my drink realising it was a vanilla latte, smiling to myself I knew that Evan remembered which made my heart thump.

"Anyway I think I'm getting filmed first" Evan spoke proudly "I'll set the stage, don't get too jealous" he winked to everyone as he walked over to the filming area.

Emma walked towards me once Evan had left, her hand gingerly running up my arm which made me flinch away. "How do you know Evan?"

"It was years ago now, I can't recall" I replied bluntly, not wanting to entertain her.

"Did you and Evan.. have a thing?"

"No- we did not" I deadpanned with a sigh "we were just friends and he looked out for me. You haven't got anything to worry about"

Emma laughed lightly before clasping her mouth with her hand to add affect. "I wasn't worried, I am not threatened at all. I was just curious"

Humming to myself I decided not to rise to it. Emma knew she was beautiful and I know I was under her shoe in that department; she was correct when she said she didn't need to worry for many reasons.

"Goodness Willa, what are you doing?" Sarah interjected, grabbing my arm.

Quickly I snapped my attention to her "is everything okay?"

"The crew need to change your hair, did you not read your schedule ?"

I shook my head now feeling stupid. Great, I was messing up already. "No sorry! I'll go now" I exclaimed, rushing over to the dressing rooms.

Once inside I saw a tub of bleach and an annoyed looking woman "finally"

"We need to make you blonde"

Gulping back saliva I nodded, sitting in the chair whilst preparing myself to say goodbye to my black locks. "Are you going to cut much off?"

The lady shook her head "only a few inches. It will be just passed your collarbones"

Frowning I sighed, I finally grew my hair just for it to be chopped off. "Okay, thank you"

The lady began working magic, my hair now cut shortish with the remains now scattered across the floor. "See, I told you. Not too short right?"

Pursing my lips together I nodded "yeah... not too short"

She then began to part my hair, painting the bleach in different sections. I hadn't done anything to my hair since I was fourteen so this kind of excited me; seeing myself with blonde hair would be unusual.


Evan POV

I finished a few of my scenes which would be in the first episode and I thought I did pretty good. I had been practicing for a few months, trying to become Kai which seemed to do the trick, we didn't even have to do that many reshoots.

Drinking from my bottle of water I turned my head and saw Emma walking over to me. She laced her arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. "You did amazing baby"

Smiling I kissed her cheek "thank you"

Me and Emma had been dating for about a year now, though we had our ups and downs to say the least. When we were good we were good but when we were bad we were really bad so you can imagine the arguments.

"Im sad that I won't be filming for long with you this time, I don't have many scenes" Emma grumbled with her lip jutted out.

Stroking her cheek I stared at her adoringly "you gonna miss me ?"

She swatted me away playfully "no, I'm just worried about that girl Willa"

Frowning I felt my face contour to confusion "what do you mean?"

"Have you not see the way she looks at you? She told me nothing happened between you both and you were just friends but I don't believe that for a second"

Smiling lightly I sipped another gulp of water from my bottle "honestly Emma don't stress it, I knew her years ago. I have you"

Emma seemed happy by my response so she snuggled into my side. "That's my Evan"

It was surreal seeing Willa again after all this time, it didn't seem real to me and I didn't think I would ever see her again. Last time we spoke she was at flux with Noah. I was quite cruel towards her which filled me with guilt, but I had matured these last few years.

"Oh it's my turn!" Emma said with a grin smoothing out her clothes and giving me a twirl. "Wish me luck babe, not that I will need it"

Nodding heartily I replied "break a leg"

Deciding to get some rest I picked myself off my chair, walking towards my trailer until I saw Willa leant against hers, a cigarette in-between her lips which made me frown. When did she start smoking ?

"Hey stranger" I greeted, walking towards her.

Smiling she looked up almost startled "hey stranger back to you too"

Then I noticed her hair, it was shorter than yesterday and now was blonde; it suited her and it was weird seeing her without the familiar raven black hair. "The hair looks nice"

She shook her head whilst laughing "don't lie, it looks awful"

"I'm not lying. Truthfully it looks great. It suits you"

Willa took a puff of her cigarette now flicking it on the the ground and stamping on it with her heel "why thank you"

"Since when did you smoke?"

She shrugged her shoulders "for a year or two now, it helps with the stress"

"You know it's bad for your health right ?"

She scoffed "Evan you smoke yourself you hypocrite"

"Do I now, how do you know that? You haven't seen me for years" I quizzed with a smirk

She frowned "I mean I don't know, you're right"

It went silent for a split second before I asked another question "what made you become an actress ?"

"I've always wanted to act, I just never had the motivation because of Alex. I finally thought enough is enough and ended up studying again. Getting my degrees. Though I must say I'm more than lucky to be given this role for my first job" Willa said with a grin on her face which made my own smile contour until a smile.

"I'm really happy for you, it's also nice to see you again"

Willa blushed and looked away which I found adorable "t-thank you. Anyway I'm really tired so I'm gonna get some sleep in"

I nodded "sleep well Willa"

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