Chapter one

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I wasn't sure how long I had been walking for, the once lit sky now turned dark and clouded, stars now emerging from behind the clouds.

My feet ached and the thin material of my t shirt was failing to retain any warmth in this bitter, cold weather; I truly felt like I had nothing left in me at all.

Tripping over onto the cold, wet concrete my palms instantly swelled from new cuts which made me wince, this truly felt like a living hell and I wasn't sure how my life ended up turning out this way.

My mother and father decided I wasn't good enough in their family anymore, deciding on kicking me out with only enough money for a small sandwich and drink.

I had pushed it this time, I went too far. I should of never broke my promise to them and I partly understood why they were done trying to pick up my broken pieces.

This was my karma; I wasn't a good person.

My swaying body took me inside a small bar, the smell of alcohol evident in the air from the very drunken bodies around me. Rummaging through my drenched pockets I began to count the small amount of change I had; it equalled enough for a small drink.

I could certainly use the little money I had for better use; such as something to ease the hunger pains growing in my stomach but right now I needed something to take the edge off. "One vodka please"

The bartender quickly made up the drink and swung it in my direction which I gladly took, sipping down the burning liquid.

I must of looked atrocious, the rain had drenched my whole body from head to toe with my naturally waved hair now crinkled and sprawled into multiple directions.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you okay?" a voice spoke, concern lathering his words.

Looking up I met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes; the sort of eyes that gave me a slight sense of comfort. Lightly smiling I nodded weakly, the glass now touching my lips for another sip.

"You don't look so good"

Scoffing I placed the drink down rudely, turning my body so I was facing the man properly. "Sorry, do I know you?"

The man shook his head and raised his hands "no, sorry. That was inappropriate of me"

Grimacing I turned back to what I was doing which was drinking my last drink; enjoying every sip before I had to figure out a place to stay.

"Listen if you need a ride anywhere- I can get that sorted for you. You genuinely don't look well" the man spoke softly, clearly not wanting to drop the subject.

"Dude, what is your problem?" I groaned, now getting frustrated with his sudden kindness towards me. Who even was he ?

"I'm fine, leave me alone..."

The brown haired man ignored my comment and instead now sat beside me at the bar with concerned eyes- those eyes of his now just pissing me off.

"I can tell you're lying"

"What a great assumption from you Mr psychic" I snapped, not enjoying his persistence. "Honestly I'm fine"

"I've just had a rough night" my hand now trying to rid the matts in my hair as I ran my fingers through it. 

"Come on, let me take you back to my place. We will get you bathed and hopefully a good nights sleep?" the man spoke tenderly though I couldn't help but feel unnerved.

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