Chapter fifty two

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6 months later

Willa POV

Life was slowly going back to normal if you could say it was normal; All I did was focus on my work and looking after Athena. My goodness had she got big- she had the chubbiest little cheeks and brightest blue eyes. Her hair was covered in light; almost platinum blonde locks and her smile could light up my darkest days.

When I thought about my life I hadn't imagined this, I didn't imagine I would have a baby as a single parent. I didn't imagine that I would suffer so many years of abuse and torment, meet the love of my life to then just get cheated on. My life felt cruel, but I focused on the positives which was my daughter.

Athena was now 9 months old and crawling about like a little army solider which was adorable. Though I hated how quickly time was flying by.

Evan and I didn't talk much, when we did it was only so he could pick up Athena but most of the time I had to tell him to rearrange as he would stink of alcohol, but something changed recently and he was back on the right track. He now dressed nice, hair nicely done and not in a drunken state of course.

The doorbell rang so I walked over to it, placing Athena in her walker before I answered. "Hey you're early" I greeted with pursed lips.

Evan lowered his gaze "y-yeah just missed her is all"

"Okay well I still have to prepare her bag so I'll be a few minutes" I told him with a sigh, running a hand through my black hair.

"I like your hair. Dark has always suited you best" Evan complimented with a small smile.


Turning away I began to pack Athena her bag which consisted of her bottles, diapers, spare clothes and toys.

Evan POV

Willa looked amazing, like a porcelain doll. I forgot how much dark hair suited her; though it did make me reminisce on our relationship.

I fucked up majorly and it's taken me awhile to come to terms with it, this family was something I would never be apart of now.

Crouching across from Athena I watched her use her little chunky legs to walk towards me in her walker which made me chuckle. "Come to daddy baby!"

The chubby baby of course did and was soon enough bashing into my ankles which made me wince. "Look at how grow up you are"

I picked her up and swung her around, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Today I'm taking you to the zoo to see some animals. Would you like that?"

I talked to her as if she could respond back to me- but I feel that's just something you do as parents. Athena smiled her familiar cheesy grin which spread across from ear to ear. I couldn't get enough of that little smile.

"Then we can go to the park- maybe try the swings again as I know how much you hated them last time"

Athena began to bounce up and down in my arms, placing her little hands in my slightly grown beard. "Thank you for reminding daddy that I need to shave, must be weird"

Kissing her forehead again I began to walk around, seeing the photos printed on the walls of Athena and Willa. I really did think at one point that I would be in those photos too- but I let my toxic thoughts win.

"Okay so- I'll pick her up at one in the afternoon tomorrow once I've finished work. You have her overnight bag still don't you?" Willa asked as she walked into the living room.

I nodded "yes I still have it- she has her own room at mine with her clothes so you don't need to pack her things"

Willa shrugged "I just like to make sure, now look after our baby"

"Of course I will, she is going to have a great time with me. I'm going to take her to the zoo today" I chirped with a grin, looking down at Athena still in my arms.

"Okay, have a great time. Thank you Evan"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm her father" I stated.

Awkwardly Willa turned away "right- I best be getting ready for work but text me if you need anything"

"That's fine. Say goodbye Athena"

Grabbing her chubby arm I waved it dramatically "say bye bye mumma"

"Goodbye my little princess" Willa gushed as she kissed her hands repeatedly "don't miss mummy too much"

I grabbed the bag off Willa and exited the front door, my heart weighing heavy. I never wanted to leave- I wanted to stay.

Not letting my thoughts ponder I put a smile back on my face and put Athena in the car. She was happily playing with one of her rattles and bouncing up and down in her seat. She was such a happy baby.

Willa POV

I missed him, I really did. The way he was being with Athena melted my heart. I couldn't fault him for being a good father though it did take him some time to get to that point, like I mentioned before he had a bad drinking problem so I couldn't allow him to have Athena alone.

Brushing imaginary dust from my jeans I walked into work where I was meeting with a director for a new film, it was a romance which I wasn't the most sure of- but I thought it couldn't hurt. I wanted to excel my acting career.

"Ahh Miss Quinn" The director called as he pulled out a chair for me. I nodded and outstretched my hand "the one and only"

"So you've read the script?"

"Yes- and it is a great story. Thank you for asking for me specifically. I would be honoured" I blushed, biting down on my lip slightly from nerves.

"Not at all- you have done some very exceptional roles in your acting career so far. If you may Miss Quinn could you read me a few lines in the perspective of Molly Deller"

"Thank you for your kind words and of course"

My eyes began to scan the script, swallowing saliva I began to speak as if I was her. The movie was about a woman who had been in and out of rehab due to the loss of her family in a fire, she used drugs as an outlet. Then she gets back on her feet and meets a man who changes her life. Soppy and cheesy but it felt like a great movie to be apart of.

I read my lines where the director would be the man known as Thomas Rickett and it matched perfectly, my tone was how I believed Molly would be and the director didn't fail to compliment me.

"That was incredible. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the role for you" The director commented with a smile.

"Just before we continue though Miss Quinn- I need to ask if you're happy to have intimate scenes with the actor who will play Thomas ?"

"Y-yes that shouldn't be an issue. As long as it's kept professional" I replied

"That's great... the filming commences in a few weeks so keep practicing the script and getting into character and we will see you then"

Shaking his hand we parted ways, my heart hammering in my chest but the excitement fuelling me too. I got the part.

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