Tails and Sandy Part 2

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Previously on Cartoon Elementary...

Tails and Sandy tasked with their biggest project yet... the Entry for the Science Fair! They work all that day, and are nearly complete! Now all that remains is the finishing Touches! More importantly, Can they get their finished product to school safely, as someone is a little Jealous... He wasn't picked!


Episode 16: Tails and Sandy Part 2

Tails: Well, Sandy, let's get this done before we Get to School.

Sandy: You got that Right. Oh, and I decided to do a little bit More, and it's 80% done.

Tails: Thanks. Now, let's make the finishing Touches.

Frenchy: What Follows is a Brief Construction Montage.

(Tails and Sandy put the finishing touches on their Science Fair project)

Tails: Yes!

Sandy: That's the ticket. Keep it up, Tails!

(Construction sound effects as they put the last pieces on)

Frenchy: We hope you Enjoyed this Brief Construction Montage.

Sandy: It's wonderful, Tails. It's our Magnum Opus as Scientists... As of present Day, that is.

Tails: I do agree. This is the best we've done since we were first partnered up for an Assignment.


Singers: 🎵 Prince Bowser's Koopa Cruiser!

Bowser: There they are. They're heading for school with that precious Project of theirs.

Dr. Eggman: Of course they are. I cannot believe we didn't get picked just because of our "reputation!" We're smart too!

Coyote: The only reason we got banned from the Science Fair projects is our actions as Bullies, good Doctor. However, our plan for vengeance is set in motion with our own project.

Dr. Eggman: Indeed it is, my Coyote friend. Allow me to explain our plan. First, I will unleash my Robots on those two, and they will destroy that project, and then, We shall send our Project in Anonymously, and once they ask who made it, We'll make our move, and then we shall be trusted again!

Bowser: And once our Revenge is complete, we can rule the world with those Heroic Students out of our way!

Eggman: Oh Yes! Hahaha Hah!

(The three Laugh Maniacally as they follow the two kids)

With Tails and Sandy...

Tails: Hey Sandy.

Sandy: Yeah?

Tails: I think working together with you has really built our friendship.

Sandy: Indeed it has. I think we should prove it's worth by Cementing it.

Tails: Let's do with a Special Handshake!

(They do it)

Sandy: I'm glad we can be Partners, because...

(Suddenly, they are Surrounded by Eggman's Badniks)

Tails: Oh no! Badniks!

Sandy: Hang on! Let's get 'em! Hi-Yah!

(She attacks them with a swift Karate Move)


(They fight them off)





(They had defeated them with the help of the Warners and Super Bluey)

Wakko: Get the Project to your class! Go! We will hold 'em off as long as possible!

Super Bluey: And You can count on us!

Sandy: Thanks for the assist! Let's run like the Wind Tails!

Tails: (began to spin his tails like a turbine engine) Way ahead of you!

Sandy: Whoa! Wait up! (Rides on her Skateboard) YEE-HAW!

Tails: We made it!

Sandy: I knew we could!

Super Bluey: Excellent! I shall put this away for you in our Secure Safe for major projects! And I'll see you two in the science fair! (Hears teacher) Time for class! Gotta go!

(She zipped off)

Sandy: She sure is something.

Bugs: (Narration) Tails and Sandy got their A+ from their hard work the past days before getting their project done. Super Bluey had caught Bowser and Eggman and The Principal suspended them, and placed Eggman back in the alternative school. Unfortunately, Bowser got a short suspension, which led the Coyote to decide that Extreme Measures be taken against the New Super Hero, as Super Bluey's Influence was prevalent on the Students, and they would cry for help, knowing that her Hearing is the best out there. So Coyote decided that in order for there to be a super hero, there must also be a super villain. But I'll have to save that... until next time!

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