"Autumn Winds"

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(Distant School Bell, then Music begins)

🎵 Welcome to Cartoon Elementary, a new school for us Toons. We've got Math, Science, and everything else that we need to learn. We as kids have challenges, but I believe we can pass them all, Here at Cartoon Elementary, anything and everything is possible! Use your imagination, and you can go anywhere, anytime. Come on, don't be shy. The school bell's ringing, it's time for class, so we're off... To our brand new school for all toons. Its name is Cartoon Elementary!🎵


Episode 10: "Autumn Winds"

Bugs: (narration) Diverting from friendships, Autumn hit the region hard with winds bringing the Morning temperature Down to the Low 60s, which forced us to wear... You guessed it, jackets. It was standard, anyways, since school, especially in my youth took place during the Autumn months and took advantage of the Shorter Days. Some of us were still getting used to the Fall weather.

Bingo: It's Usually March when we have to put these On!

Sonic: That's because you're an Aussie and everything's upside down!

(the kids laugh except for Bluey and Bingo)

Bluey: Oh come on, Sonic! So not funny! (folds her arms Crossly)

Sonic: Sorry. I was only joking Bluey.

Bluey: It's alright. Although I won't admit it, I kinda chuckled there.

Sonic: Let's change topics. Amy, I see you haven't changed. Always thinking of something new to try on.

Amy: Anything to impress you, Sonic. You are one of my closest friends...

Tails: Now Amy, I recommend you don't start it. Or else you'll give the kids the Chant Idea.

Amy: Oh, right. *winks at Sonic and he winks back*

Sonic: Good girl, Amy. Now, let's get to class and hang up our coats.


Choir: (to the Tune of the Doofenschmirtz Jingle) 🎵 Bowser's Secret Bully Kids Annex! 🎵

Bowser: Our suspension is over, you guys. And Mokuba, if I find you suspended once again, I'm gonna run out of coins for bribes!

Mokuba: I'm trying to get students to submit to me, but I can't get some puny First Grade Blue Heeler to kneel to my Will!

Coyote: That's a Y.P., not an M. P.

Mokuba: Grrr...

Dr. Eggman: Ah. Wile E. Coyote. I hear you like our style.

Coyote: I sure do. But, your Tatics could use some refinement...

Bowser: Indeed. Tell us more next week, and we will let you into our society.

*Yakko, who was spying, came back to the heroic students*

Yakko: Bugs! I've got some Bad news! C-Coyote...

Bugs: Is getting chummy with the Bully Faction? I should have known. They continue to get stronger.

Daffy: And the temperature keeps dropping due to wind chill! I tell you, my friend, it's p-preposterous!

Wakko: Good thing I wear a sweater. (Bounced eyebrows)

*Pink Panther mouths something*

Sonic: He's right. We shouldn't be worried so much about the dropping temperature.

Bugs: (Narration) Of course, that was Easier said than done. What we didn't know was that Dr. Eggman had built a Wind Bot to create more cold winds to affect the mornings in order to bring an early frost. Fortunately, we had an ace up our sleeve, and Tails was sent to spy.

Tails: (in disguise) So how does does this contraption work?

Dr. Eggman: It's simple, really. I use a big wind turbine to power it, and it acts like an outdoor air conditioner. As long as there isn't any water that lands on the circuits, the machine will work.

Tails: That is genius, except the water part.

Dr. Eggman: Everything can't be perfect! I got distracted from making the waterproof compound to protect those wiring, okay?!

Tails: That's alright. Thanks anyway for telling me about your invention, Doctor.

Dr. Eggman: Of course.

(Tails flew back)

Tails: Apparently, the machine's weakness is water!

Dot: Go figure.

Bugs: Sandy, you know of anyway we can catch that Egghead off his guard?

Sandy: I do! Just you wait and See. Me and Tails are the smartest in the School! You wait and see!

Tails and Sandy spent all Afternoon and all night making their "Rain Storm Bot" to counter the Eggman's Wind Bot. Finally, it was ready for action.

Tails: Ready for action!

Bugs: Cool!

Yakko: What is it?

Sandy: This is T&S Storm Maker Bot Mark I.

Heroic Kids: Cool!

Wakko: What is it.

Tails: It destroys Eggman's Wind Bot.

Sandy: With a push of this Button!

(She presses the Button and it began to rain, and the Wind Machine was destroyed)

Dr. Eggman: Please tell me, was that the sweet sound of my Wind Machine making an early snow and ice?

Bugs: That was the sweet sound of Destruction. Your machines destruction, and the sweet smell of after the rain fragrance.


Bugs: And...

Dr. Eggman: Oh yes, Tails and Sandy... and Curse you too!

*he fled*

Bluey: Ahh. Never get tired of hearing that, don't you Bugs.

Bugs: Nope. Score another one for the good guys.

Tails: Yep. Those bullies never learn that they'll never win against us.

Sandy: As long our brains work together, we can outsmart to all.

Bugs: (Narration) And that was one time our smarts worked for our advantage. As I said before, Coyote was getting friendly with the Bully faction and eventually join them, but that's a story for another day. And what, may you ask, about my other friends? Well, 3 Third Graders who loved to have fun and pull pranks cemented their friendships in quite a unique way, but I mustn't tell you who they are, or it would spoil my next story!

Meanwhile in the Future...

Bugs Jr: Wow Dad, you have quite the thing for your Cartoon Elementary experience.

Adult Bugs: Well, I wouldn't have made it through without your Mom or Bluey. Not to mention all my old friends from the show. I'll tell you both the Next story tomorrow, okay?

Lilly: Ok!

Adult Bugs: I love you, my little angels.

Bugs Jr: And we love you too daddy.

Bugs: I know. Now go to sleep.

Lilly: Good night!

Cartoon Elementary written by John Andrews

All characters belong to their respective companies.

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