"Bugs Bunny and Bluey"

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(Distant School Bell, then Music begins)

🎵 Welcome to Cartoon Elementary, a new school for us Toons. We've got Math, Science, and everything else that we need to learn. We as kids have challenges, but I believe we can pass them all, Here at Cartoon Elementary, anything and everything is possible! Use your imagination, and you can go anywhere, anytime. Come on, don't be shy. The school bell's ringing, it's time for class, so we're off... To our brand new school for all toons. Its name is Cartoon Elementary!🎵


Episode 9: "Bugs Bunny and Bluey"

Bugs: (Narration) Bluey Heeler. Ever since the first day of school, she's been a good friend of mine. However, it has come to my attention that I've never really expanded on how we became so close. Well, first, She helped me get reacquainted with the life of an Elementary School student. Second, she showed me the fun of playing Pretend by making up her own games. Third, she always has time on the weekend to invite me and her other friend, Chloe, to her playdates. We would have fun for hours on end. I always knew that Bluey had one of the best imaginations in the world.

Bluey: We're heading into a storm, Cap'n Bunny! What should we do?

Bugs: Remain calm and follow orders, my faithful crew! First, batten down the hatches!

Bluey, Bingo, and Chloe: Aye-aye, cap'n!

Bugs: Hoist the sails! We're going half sail ahead!

Bluey, Bingo, and Chloe: Aye-aye, cap'n!

Bingo: Half Sail!

Chloe: Captain! There are Rocks ahead!

Bluey: We gotta turn quickly then!

Bugs: Turn those sails! Hard-a Starboard!

Bingo: The helm's all over!

(They turn the levers right and they go left around the rocks)

Chloe: Clear of conflict! Land HO!

Bluey: Three cheers for Captain Bugs Bunny!

Bluey, Bingo, and Chloe: Hip-hip-hurrah! Hip-hip-hurrah! Hip-hip-hurrah!

Bugs: Gee, thanks. Now. Here's the treasure map. According to this, its first, 40 paces to the east.

(They count to 40)

Bluey: Almost there. Now 30 Paces North.

Bugs: Yep.

(They each count to thirty)

Bugs: 15 Paces East. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Bingo: And Finally, 10 Paces south!

Chloe: I can see the X, Captain!

Bugs: X marks the spot! Dig, mateys!

Bluey: We found it! We found the treasure!

Kids: Hooray!

Bugs: Bluey, you have the best imagination I've ever known!

Bluey: Thank you. I always try to think of something new every day!

Bugs: (Narration) And think of something new everyday she did. Whenever we had play dates, it was never the same thing. However, that's not the primary reason why we cemented our friendship. We did so, because of something I did to teach a rude bully classmate a jolly good lesson. Yep. You guessed it. Mokuba Kaiba.

Mokuba: That's right. I'm back, dweebs.

Bluey: Oh brother...

Chloe: Oh brother is right. We're gonna be threatened to our wits end again.

Mokuba: You're darn right I will! Now, let me see your answers right now!

Calypso: Mokuba, I shall not allow. I will report you to the principal again that you haven't changed, and you will be sent to an Alternative School.

Mokuba: Not if I take over the classroom.

Bluey: Oh really? You and whose army?!

Roland: Only Mokuba's most trusted Bodyguards! Go!

Music: Serious Trouble from Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

(They run in and grab the teacher, and Mokuba hogties and Gags her)

Bluey: Let her go!

Mokuba: I won't until my whim is met, for this Room now belongs to KaibaCorp! Hahahaha!

Bluey: Not if I have anything to say of it! (Bell rings and runs)

Mokuba: Don't let her get away!

*However, the real Bluey was hiding in the bathroom, and had displayed a Hologram to escape and buy her some time*

Bluey: I'll have to thank Tails for giving me that device later.

(She runs to the Cafeteria)

Bluey: Bugs! Bugs! I need your help!

Bugs: Calm yourself Bluey. Take a moment to explain the situation.

Frenchy: One Scary eyewitness account later...

Bugs: He didn't!

Bluey: He did! He's holding the other first Grade students captive and he has his henchmen looking for me as we speak!

Bugs: That is Quite the Predicament, Bluey. But, you've come to the right Bunny. We'll soon put this right.

Bluey: How so?

Bugs: Watch me. To the Stage!

(1960s Batman-Style Transition)

*Bugs draws up a plan that's titled "Operation First Grade Rescue"*

Bluey: Looks Good Bugs!

Bugs: Alright, you guys! We are in Code Red! Commence: First Grade Rescue! Now, Execute!

(The Heroic Students move out and Take out Mokuba's goons, and Bugs and Bluey find the Boss himself with the Teacher in Custody)

Mokuba: Well, well, well. I can't believe my Luck. Bugs Bunny and Bluey Heeler. Leave these two to me, men.

Bugs: Mokuba! You shall release the Teacher this instant before We clobber you!

Mokuba: Never. For it is you is gonna be clobbered, and I'm gonna clobber you both to kingdom come!

(They Battle him RPG-Style)

Bugs: How's this?

Bluey: Don't give up, Bugs! We can do it!

Mokuba: Gah! Get them!

(They fight off the goons)

Mokuba: They're just two Punks! Destroy them!

Bluey: You're all out of Goons, Mokuba! Friendship triumphs again!

Mokuba: But I still have control. I have the power.

Bugs: And you have a present from us.

Mokuba: A present. (Scoff) Don't make me laugh.

Bluey: No really. We mean it.

Mokuba: Then let me have it!

*Bugs gives a thumbs up and Chloe drops a Grand Piano onto Mokuba*


Bluey: Whelp... he asked for it.

Mokuba: (sticks fist out of piano and Shakes it as the heroes free Calypso) CURSE YOU, BUGS BUNNY!

Bugs: Hah! Fooling the Bullies never gets old.

Bluey: Nope! And that's why you're my best friend!

Bugs: (Narration) After we cleared the Mess and Freed Calypso, Mokuba was suspended for usurpation of a classroom. As a gesture of thanks, Bluey finally cemented our friendship, which is still strong to even today. I'm glad I'm friends with almost everyone. And when I say almost, I mean... "almost" in the most serious of ways...

To Be Continued...

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