"Third Grade Goofballs"

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(Distant School Bell, then Music begins)

🎵 Welcome to Cartoon Elementary, a new school for us Toons. We've got Math, Science, and everything else that we need to learn. We as kids have challenges, but I believe we can pass them all, Here at Cartoon Elementary, anything and everything is possible! Use your imagination, and you can go anywhere, anytime. Come on, don't be shy. The school bell's ringing, it's time for class, so we're off... To our brand new school for all toons. Its name is Cartoon Elementary!🎵


Episode 11: "The Third Grade Goofballs"

Bugs: When it comes to pulling pranks on bullies, having fun, and doing your schoolwork at the Same time, you should look no further than Third Graders Wakko Warner, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Patrick Star, or to put it more Accurately as the name of their Group, "The Third Grade Goofballs", or TGG, for short. Boy did they sure come in handy when Elmer with Mokuba as an accomplice tried the bully the Kindergartners stunt again.

Mokuba: We said, give us your lunch money!

Bingo: No way! You should have your own!

Elmer: Then we'll take it by force!

Elinor: But it's all... it's all we have!

(The bullies take it)

Elmer: Hahahaha! See you kids later! I hope you like water with your lunches!

Mokuba: Hahah! Woo-Hoo!

Wakko: Ready Patrick? SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Born Ready.

Wakko: One, two, three... Anvils Away!

(They drop them on Elmer and Mokuba and they drop the Kindergarter's lunch Money)

Wakko: Phase Two.

Patrick: Free Ice Cream on the Playground!

(The kids run in that direction)

Mokuba: Oh no...

Elmer: Not again!

(They shrugged as they were trampled down and flattened)

Elmer: Those goony third grade jokesters! They wuined our plot!

Mokuba: We are gonna have to come up with ways to outsmart them...

Later at Recess...

Yosemite Sam: I've got you right where I wants ya! Hands in the air and stay here, or I'll shoot cuz I'm holding you until you give me your Lunch money, you First Grade galoots!

Greg: You're Gonna be in big trouble if the Principal finds out.

Sam: He won't!

*he steps on a Banana Peel*

Sam: WHOOOOAAAA! (He slipped and fell, and the lunch money went flying into the air and the First Graders Caught it)

(SpongeBob, Patrick, and Wakko laugh loudly)

Wakko: Oh that is too rich! Hahahah!

SpongeBob: They always fall for our pranks! No wonder you're the best at it, Wakko.

Wakko: Well, You two are pretty good yourselves!

Patrick: Why thank you, Wakko.

Y. Sam: Darn Third Graders... I hates them.

When the Day was through...

Marvin Martian: Got anymore parts to spare?

Chloe: I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, and second, I don't have any.

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