"Bowser the Bully"

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(Distant School Bell, then Music begins)

🎵 Welcome to Cartoon Elementary, a new school for us Toons. We've got Math, Science, and everything else that we need to learn. We as kids have challenges, but I believe we can pass them all, Here at Cartoon Elementary, anything and everything is possible! Use your imagination, and you can go anywhere, anytime. Come on, don't be shy. The school bell's ringing, it's time for class, so we're off... To our brand new school for all toons. Its name is Cartoon Elementary!🎵

SONICJOHNZ924's Cartoon Elementary

Episode 3: "Bowser the Bully"

Bugs: (Narration) The Bully Faction in the following weeks since Coyote's Suspension has been scheming, with us trying to listen in for any key words, but this was definitely difficult especially because they hired guards just outside their secret headquarters. We wondered what we could do with the bullies at Lunch, and this was the Conversation we all had.

Sonic: What are we to do to get into the Bully HQ?

Bugs: I'm not sure at all, Sonic. The only way we'd get in is if someone disguises themselves as a bully and sneaks into their headquarters.

Bluey: Hmm... (thinks)

Rarity: Making a disguise... Makeover... Evil...

(Idea Lightbulb sound effect)

Rarity and Bluey: (in Unison) Idea-aa!

Bugs: What did you two decide?

Rarity: Well, I'm gonna make an Outfit that those Bullies won't refuse!

Bluey: And to make you look like one, we will give you some muscle and some goth looks.

Rarity: Exactly! It's foolproof!

Bugs: Then I'll volunteer since I'm the oldest.

Rarity: Very Good, Bugs. To the Boutique!

(1960s Batman TVS Transition)

Music: "The Cleaner" from Toy Story 2

(Rarity and Bluey work on Bugs' attire and make up)

Bugs: Ehh, so how long will this take.

Rarity: (in French Accent) You can't rush zee Art.

(They work all night long, fitting him with a skull t-shirt, jeans with a few holes, boots, Eye shadow, make up, and get him built up muscularly)

Rarity: All Set, Bugs. Let's take a look at you, shall we?

(They show him in a mirror, Electric Guitar Riff)

Bugs: I look... AMAZING! And positively intimidating. Thanks for the help, ladies.

Bluey: Anything for you Mate.

Bugs: Now... to sneak in.

Frenchy: The next School Day...

Bugs: I'm ready. Time to sneak in.

After walking a bit...

Choir: (to the Tune of the Doofenshmirtz Jingle)🎵 Bowser's secret Bully Kids Headquarters!🎵

(Bugs Bunny knocks on the door while wearing his Bully disguise)

Eggman: Why come on in, what's your name?

Bugs: Bruiser.

Eggman: Well come on in for our meeting, you're just in time.

Bugs: Very good.

(They both enter the room)

Bowser: Eggman! And a new bully?!? This is quite good! A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Cartoon Elementary: The First SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now