Chapter 16 - The Gaia Gates

Start from the beginning

Sonic: Hey! It's Green Hill!

May: You know this place?

Sonic: Yeah... It's my home land.

Crystal: Wait, you were born here?

Sonic: Pretty much! Feels great to be back here!

Maya: I never saw this place in my life.

Sonic: It might still exist. We came back from the White Acropolis before, and those were from my home world years ago.

Mephiles: ... It feels nice to be here...

Sonic looked over. It seems that one of the areas on the other side of Green Hill has something glowing in gold. The light's coming from one Zapfish.

Sonic: There seems to be one Zapfish over here. If we collect it, we might get enough energy to unlock the next gate!

The team went through the area. However, Eggman's mechs would apear to slow them down. The usual, Egg Gunners.

Maya: Eggman's Mechs!

Mephiles: How much money does he waste to make those?

Sonic: Don't ask me!

Maya: Just a few Egg Gunners!

Maya shooted them own, easely. However, it seems that a few red robots showed up flying above them. This ones looked like the Egg Gunners, but had one larger cannon on their right arm.

 This ones looked like the Egg Gunners, but had one larger cannon on their right arm

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Sonic: Look out! Those are Egg Stingers! Improved versions of the Egg Gunners!

Maya: How much improve?

Sonic: First their agility, then their missiles are homming stings! Don't let youselves get targeted!

Crystal: Here they come!

The Sting Missiles were shooted. Luckly, Maya was able to take them out with her own stings. Sonic jumped at them, and spin dashed through two of them. The third one was quick, and moved away in time, predicting the attack.

Sonic: You think I'm that predictable? Then you're gonna love this! CHAOS WIND!!!

Sonic shooted an improved version of his Sonic Wind. This thing sends out blades of Chaos Power wend over with the strong force released by the Sonic Wind. The enemy was defeated.

Crystal: WOW! That was cool!

Maya: That one's new. When did you came up with that?

Sonic: I mearly fused my Chaos energy with my Sonic Wind. It turned out to be an excelent boost to my power! Now, let's get moving!

Sonic went ahead, followed by Crystal and Maya, who was way to close to the hedgehog. Mephiles, however, had one odd feeling on his chest.

Mephiles: Sonic Casterwill... Why do I have this odd feeling...?

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