Alone Again

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i'm so sorry to the brelikaris nation.

The morning is an almost unbearable silence, a disturbing blanket weighing heavy on my world, not a color smudged before my sight or a sound to mumble across my thoughts. A cold emptiness beside me, one gone unnoticed during the night- or was it during the morning? Its almost impossible to tell as the sun hardly lifted from its bed beneath the horizon, the first few rays of daylight stand in the sky with nothing to greet yet.

Anyone awake is a miserable soul, and it seems that Ikaris is the owner of one, something that used to be so much more true, aided by the century of change. 16-something will be inked into calendars shortly in the few days rolling a head, several, was it? To roll onto my side and ignore the crippling emptiness would be a luxury that I seem not to have, a worry more fitting into the mold of where his body often lies, pushing me to get up from the warmth of blankets and pillows.

there is a lack of warmth in the air, stripped of scent of bacon and flowers, doughy goodness. dragging my hand along the chilled wall, i find that there too is a lack of light, a lack of life entirely. the sun disobeying it's natural order, my breath a painted streak before me, a cloud of worry surrounding me as i hear not a single noise throughout my home. drawing in a deep breath, my knocks against the walls ignored, i call out to him. "ikaris?"i ask into the emptiness, hoping to find a glimpse of his shadow.

no such thing exists, but what does, crumpled parchment against the table. it's not something totally uncommon, maybe written upon it is a saying of him being gone for a shop, for a walk or fly. he knows how i hate flying, fights burned between us due to the disrespect for my hate of it. my hands tremble without my want, my cells shaking with fear as i slide the paper towards me, charcoal words written against the textured surface. too short, to fastly written. my eyes scan over the words, my thoughts emptying as i feel my soul fall from my body.

how sorry i am, my dear brelione. but you must find yourself, and i am a burden upon you. goodbye.

i want to reject it, to wipe it from my memory, destroy its existence. but now forever it is stuck in my brain. i'm alone. fully, alone with the ghost of him. his presence still lives on the air, in my things, on my skin. not a word of doubt or leaving spoken from him, am i not worth that? an apology, an explanation, a warning. everything i have, swept from beneath me, leaving me with my far living friend, gaps in my heart and mind. i cant avoid this, this truth. how am i alone again?

this chapter is remarkably short, but it said what needs to be said. i'll see you guys next blue moon, xoxo-H.

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