body heat

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warnings: depresso espresso, a lot of y'all might not like this, maybe one mention of death? + violence

i think i love photographs. photographs amongst other things, i didn't know i'd love something so much. though i cannot say that id love them as much if they were not of brelione. it's so very incredible, in the mornings she wakes up and blesses my eyes when she comes into the kitchen. and she just looks like this. everyday, all the time. can you imagine? it's fascinating, the way she looks like a heavenly creature. i'll never get tired of looking at her. and as the days continue, she only becomes more stunning. we know eachother more now, lately we have been cooking together.

it's lots of bickering and eggshells but it's so very lovely. recently, she's been facing new changes and more adaptations i think. i noticed, how she likes to sit outside on the roof with her ears up and angled as she listens. i love it, how simple it is, how she closes her eyes as she listens to every inch of the jungle. she's shooting out animals left and right, big and small, bringing these small fairy like things to life. i had no idea such a thing was possible, is it even allowed for an eternal? to be giving life? i suppose nothing is out of possibility, but sersi cannot change sentient beings, yes?

so how can she bring beings to become sentient? the third photo, that is her bringing life. she reminds me so much of the ocean, of celestials. i always thought of celestials like the ocean, giving and taking life without bias, so powerful that nothing can stop its existence. so beautiful and peaceful, but so very dangerous. she must be the most powerful being on this earth, far more powerful than i am. i think that she keeps me safe, i am just company.

but i suppose that's how it's supposed to be, she is too caring to hurt herself in the presence of others. she hasn't moved on from druig, i haven't expected her to. but she has that excitement on her face, running through the trees like he's with her. i remember watching them with wicked green envy, wishing i was him. i hope that i can gather the courage to go with her sometime, to gather berries and vegetables by her side. but i don't know if i want to intrude, she loves to be alone. and something else i've learned, she loves cleaning rocks.

with brushes from hay or whatever the humans use, she loves scrubbing them clean. even though she knows what lays beneath the thick dirt, she loves the sound of it. but back to adaptations, i trail off so easily. her hair grows now, i've noticed. for some reason, that surprised me most. powers growing can make sense in my mind, but the fact that she physically can change is surprising. she can't get taller i don't think, or gain weight or get old obviously.

actually, now that i write it down i doubt myself. is it truly growing? maybe i just never took in the length of her hair, where it sat, how the loose curls effected where it stays. but her hair most definitely is becoming lighter, it's still so warm but it's drifting from its deep auburn. i think that if she wished, it could go back exactly to how it was. i don't even know if she's aware of the change.

until next letter, Ikaris. June, 1521.

i'm very pleased to hear that things are all going well. however, i must say that i think i understand as to what is bringing these changes. i don't think it's that her hair is growing, as the photos look exactly the same, but it almost looks like she's developing the same mechanisms and survival tactics as animals. in her fear and sorrow, her mind is coping by giving her the ability to change small bits of her appearance.

this happened with the ears and her ability to grow tissue surrounding her legs, but as long as all is well i do not care all too much about her hair color. i am glad that you have found joy and admiration, but my task for you was more specific. i need to know of her sleeping habits, eating, writing, if she feels safe and comfortable. do not forget the purpose of this, it is not to become too comfortable, it's too make sure she is well on her own. she's never been away from druig for so long, or makkari or thena or sprite. keep our girl safe.

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