The Demon

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this chapter is remarkably short!! this is because the next one will be painfully long, and i like to keep you guys waiting. also, due to the slight gap between chapters, there may be some irregularities that make you think, 'wait, when did this happen?' but just don't mind it!! also, i'm AWARE that i made lots of mistakes in my DR. I KNOW.

"so- you want all of these- two of each, and just one of each of these?"he asks, his hand floating over the inked page. the list is rather long, i have to have enough for every possible situation. i nod, my arms around his shoulders as i review the list. new jars, bottles, napkins. any snacks that can be enjoyed with a cup of tea or juice, my entire body shakes with excitement to finally see makkari.

it feels like centuries since we've seen eachother, i cant wait to hear every single one of her stories, every picture she may bring, to bring back memories of the old time swimming in midnight. maybe i can be daring enough to go into town, something feels safer with her than with ikaris. especially with the new rumors on the roads, a perfect time for us to rise up again, maybe bring a little excitement to the shops.

golden lines racing down paved roads, plants growing to the size of whales, large enough to feed every single person in the town three times. the world needs the eternals again, we all know it. it's only a matter of time before we get home again, before thena and i are fixed and we get to hop onto a new planet.

that sounds thrilling, new purposes, new fixes, old problems forgotten. a new chance to save people that will do no wrong, but maybe we will break apart once more, properly this time. i wonder what it'd be like, to care for a planet, just druig and i, makkari too, of course. we could form the perfect society, respectful, orderly, kind, intelligent. i hide away in the home forever, it's because i know the moment i leave i will break every single rule.

how is it so easy for ikaris? to not fix every problem he sees? he nods as he looks over the list one more time before he places it in his pockets, a quick kiss before he leaves that makes me feel every emotion possible. the door closes as he departs from the wooden terrace, disappearing into the clouds. how he does not get lost is a mystery to me, i wouldn't be surprised if it takes him hours to find the trees again, to him they all look the same.

feeling an almost hit to the back of my head, i turn. i almost expect a stranger to have burst into my hidden home, but i am faced with nothing. nothing but an urge, walking quickly as i come to the door sprouting from the kitchen, a messy wooden one that i find almost comforting. it swings open for me, my bridges before me as i stare back at the small hut of memories. the breeze dances with the makeshift door, twisting it with a silent whistle, calling me towards it.

moving across, the closer i get the more anxious i become, an emptiness pulling at me as my movement becomes frantic, inspecting every single thing i see. every box, piece of parchment, jewels, boxes, old shirts. my clothes feel heavy on me, stripped to the floor as i find myself needing the comfort of my old embroidered shirt, tattered with age and wear. but the smell, the feel, the breeze, it brings me far back to that moment.

the moment of pure eternity as there was not a struggle in my life, my feet on the moss, my bag of paint and canvas weighed on my shoulder, the sun a stream on my hair. the feeling of his eyes, the sound of a whip of speed before she gifted me the shirt. how she took off, how druig ended his day in the fabric.

does he still have his? i wonder, if he's returned to the domo ever to collect his memories, his valuables. but is there any true value outside eachother? the hit comes again, one of almost shattering of the heart, my blood burning, my eyes falling to a box among the disaster of abandoned times. a box crafted by phastos when the one of pandora was deemed untouchable, a myth. my hand pulls it forward, round and locked, golden lines kiss the top, green and blue ripples.

but i can feel it, it's emptiness, it's sorrow. my brain moves to a violent panic, my shaking hands turn the top over and over until it's velvet interior is finally revealed. the velvet interior is the only thing held inside the walls of the box, completely empty, one of the last living flames of my old life, vanished.

with a deep breath, i place it down as fire begins to crawl across my body, anger, fear. my legs move before i process myself, running back into the house, bolting up the stairs, tearing apart every single bit and piece that my eyes see. drawers opened and shut, floorboards lifting to prove their innocence. not a single trace in the room of ikaris, in the bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room.

i know my room does not hold it, so why do i find myself there, staring with wide eyes? i can feel it, it's radiance, the cracks within the stone. the drawer opens before i reach it, the one drawer in my room that belongs to ikaris as he never seems to have enough room. with no respect for his clothes, they land on my floor, until one fabric has a loud, strong thud. falling to my knees, i pull it open, thin chain and split stone hidden away, concealed by buttons and wrap. that fucker.

i should've left it to stay within the tree, to keep it safe. but he, he did this. he watched as i opened the box, day after day. he took the necklace from its fabric bed and hid its corpse. for what? what gain, what lesson? what have i done to him that lead him to such a thing, such anger and jealousy?

gold circles swallow the house, stronger it becomes, a bright light engulfed by forest as i move down the stairs, the non beating heart of my old self held in my hand. he was there the day it happened, the day the humans went sour, how hurt i was, how he, my lover and my friend had searched for it. and he knows how happy i was to have it back again, does he hate my joy so much? and though it comes back together in my hands, a shimmering light where it had been destroyed, nothing has changed. i hold it for hours, my body against my couch as i stare at every line, every circle and swirl and ripple.

these trees are where home is. home isn't here, it's empty. when we divided, he believed id find peace, home, happiness. but there are so many things standing in my way, bolted before me that cannot move. a prisoner, i sit still for forever. forever until the door begins to open, struggling arms full of knit sacks, the wood kicked lightly behind him until it falls into its place in the hinges. he believed i wouldn't find out. that demon.

i feel like everyone hates this chapter!! rightfully so, but still let me know what you think!! xoxo -H.

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