(A/N) Lets Talk

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hi guys!! so obviously its been an incredibly long time since I updated. I've had finals and many things coming along in life, including the birth of a new family member, my friends recital, going to pride and many other things. Along with this, I've found myself struggling to work on this book. Not because I don't want to, or because I don't love it anymore but because I cant decide where to pick the story back up. For those of you who don't know, this story is completely about my DR. And some thing that have happened there arent things that I really want to write about, but they're incredibly important to the future of this story. So here we go.

Ikaris and I got into a huge argument regarding the letters he was sending to Ajak, I was extremely upset about it and some things were said that I'm not happy about. The argument ended up with him crying and getting scared, I don't really want to write about that cause it was very upsetting. Basically it was a huge reveal to me as I didn't really know about the letters, or the fact that Ajak had instructed him to do all this. I also felt so guilty about the whole Druig situation when he went into Ikaris' body, I'm not particularly proud about whats coming up in these next chapters but it is what it is!! and I did end up taking all the unsent letters and burning them but I think that was a reasonable reaction!! I don't even want to think about how many letters were sent or what was said in them so I wont :)

I think I'll pick up again a few months later from last chapter, somethings may not add up entirely due to the gap but if you guys have any questions feel free to ask <3


Brelione//DruigxOCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora