last night alive

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this is your warning. i cried so hard writing this chapter. genuinely it's so bad so please let that be known. if you're in a good mood do not read this rn.

they're scared now.

sprite was the only one with the bravery to get in the water. it's like the others believe that i'm a ticking time bomb, moments away from ending the world. which may be true but they do not have to treat me like it. sprite sighs, arms moving gracefully in the water, keeping them just above the surface as glowing bubbles cling to their skin and suit. "they are, and you're scared of yourself. but it's not mahd wryry and that's what matters."she says. forming a water ring under her, i let it scoop her up and lift her just above the surface, making her grin as she leans back in it.

"ajak says it's not mahd wryry, what do you think it is?"they ask. that's something that i've always loved about sprite. they don't take the words of others as facts, always going directly to the source. which is ironic seeing as though he's probably the biggest rumor spreader of all time. i don't want to admit it, but still, i nod. but then a second later i'm taking it back, discarding it as i think.

it was like a premonition or a vision

"makkari was there, the orange light and what else?"they ask. the illusions of fairies have long faded, every bit of focus on me as i sign.

it was like listening to my birth or formation, gods, i don't know. i heard-well-i felt-i'm a centerpiece. a base for something and someone is a great evil, a bind between souls.

the more i try to explain it the less it makes sense. it sounds like a story told too many times, details and comments lost in translation replaced with whatever sounded just about right. i hope with every atom in my body that sprite will not tell. if she does, chances are the questions will keep on coming and anxiousness will wise until all of us are dead in all ways but one. how does that saying go? a coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but once. thena said it some time ago and it seems to have stuck with the people.

there's no doubt in my mind that it'll be a rather famous quote one day. sprite nods, corners of their mouth weighed down by sadness and frustrations. "that sounds like a prophecy, a great foretelling. do you think it's a warning that you're going down the wrong path?"they ask, getting quieter and quieter as they speak. my mind races with worry when i hear it, wondering how she could know what i've been up to. my doubts in arishem, my plans to one day leave to be on my own, how desperate i am to turn against the mission that is the purpose of my entire existence.

maybe i should take it as a threat, a slap on the wrist to get me back on track. i should be terrified, horrified that arishem knows about my thoughts. but that can't be possible, not unless ajak has told him. and ajak knows nothing of my intentions. at least that is what i have been lead to believe. maybe i'm surrounded by liars, set up for failure as they all wait for me to break. or maybe i'm an idiot for letting a vision take over my thoughts and control me like a puppet. i'm almost disappointed in myself for feeling my confidence lift, knowing that if this is in fact a set up that means that i pose at least a tiny threat to arishem.

so much so that he'd have to invade my thoughts and my body to get me back in line. "what else happened?"she asks. i'm holding back on her, she knows it. but luckily we are distracted by the small splash of water, the ripples that reach out to us in small rings as sersi and makkari approach us. sersi gasps at the slight cold, making me force a smile on my face as she dunks under, standing up a moment later with soaked hair and a dramatic shiver.

"are you feeling better?"she asks, slowly swimming out the sprite and i. makkari is fast, in water and land as she comes up right next to me, water only showing small ripples as she is too fast for it to even process. i nod, glad that it's true. and although the feeling of the hand is still engraved in my mind, how it drained me like i was nothing, how it instructed me like a child, it's faded out now to nothing but a small graze. i wonder if it'll stay forever, consuming me bit by bit until i am frail and weak as an old woman. but never letting me die. dead in all ways but one.

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