the human party

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it's been a week, several days, 168 hours. although it may sound absurd, crazy even, it might be my favorite week i've lived. one of the top ten without a single doubt. we've located since then and it's amazing just how fast things change. phastos sits on a stone, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. we've forced him out of the domo and to a human party and he's not happy about it. "get that look off your face."he says, seeing my grin. i shake my head, holding my hand out to him.

"no, i'm here. that's all i consented to."he replies in a matter of fact tone. i feel footsteps coming up from behind me, kingos tall for beside me. "is this happening right now?"he asks. phastos shakes his head in protest, keeping his feet firm on the ground. i grab his arm, beginning to pull as kingo pulls the other. "T! T! Please, help!"he calls to thena.

it doesn't take long for gilgamesh to come jogging over, declaring he's been waiting for this as he places his two palms on phastos' back, helping the mission. "WHY?"phastos shouts as he finally stands, all of us with grins plastered on our faces. "come on, come dance with us."kingo says. he moves back, attempting to sit again when gil places his foot on the stone, creating a barrier.

you can tell them all about technology! their legends are big influences, maybe your ideas will help them along.

this makes him roll his eyes, giving in as i drag him along. the humans, the people that have come from all over the world and are only united by the walls that surround the city are divided into groups. those who sit and speak of theories and their days, those who eat and drink, those who play games and those who dance without a care in the world. children have come along, sitting further away as they seem to study the way the adults act.

phastos questions me, moaning and groaning about how he doesn't know these people and how they won't understand. but finally, i approach the group of the philosophers and inventors. they look to me, lowering their heads for a moment.

this is the best inventor.

philosopher number eight nods, telling the message to their friends. when they've all processed the message, they smile and invite phastos to sit.

start with the light stuff.

with that, i leave him to discuss his knowledge with the group. makkari, she's causing minor trouble, just enough to keep excitement in the air as she  discusses something with a group, translated by sersi. as i approach them, eager to get in on bets that i know are being placed, i feel a familiar pair of arms come around my waist, pulling me back. "i've been looking for you,"he says, pressing a kiss to my temple. "and believe me, these humans need to get better conversation starters."he says, hands loosening as he switches to just an arm around my waist.

makkari moves back, pouring something from her arms onto the table. druig follows as i approach, signing to sersi that this seems interesting. she has set up a trade, artifacts for an emerald tablet. this, she's told me about a few times. but i've always doubted it's existence, i drag a seat from the table, sitting on it as i watch the people. i don't recognize their faces, meaning that they're probably not from around here. philosophers, writers, travelers that are moving through.

they look at me, trying to figure out my relevance.  druigs hands on my shoulders, we watch. their eyes move from me, one whispers something to another as makkari greets us. her hand moves from her side, gripping the wrist of the traveler that has attempted an act of thievery. through my life, i've learned that the humans have a line. between those who are good and lift others and those who are bitter and pull down on others.

these ones, these are pullers. druig speaks, telling the travelers how makkari can feel the smallest of vibrations, including the sounds of them speaking. the travelers, they say how they believe that the tablet is a myth. but the more i see, the more i hear, the more i begin to believe in its existence. i have a feeling that soon enough this will be a shared mission between makkari and i.

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