The one where we got that SOB

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Emily pov

"You sure about this?" i ask you as i put the earpiece on my ear.

"No, but it's the best idea i've got... actually the only idea"

"Did you brief Aaron on it?" as i ask that you stop collecting the case files for a whole second before continuing. "You didn't, Y/n"

"I know, but he's still fighting with Detective Gordan and Mitch so i don't really have a choice and it's the best we've got." you say, handing me the files on the six victims we now have. "Now go, we don't have much time before the Unsub does something drastic"

"Fine, but as soon as he comes out of that office you tell him what you told me"

"I promise" you say and sure it's a good idea and might just give us a good result, but when Strauss reads the reports, it won't look as good and our asses are on the line. I just sign before walking out and into the interrogations.

"What do you think you're doing?" Detective Mitch says from the table opposite of Mark.

"You called us here, i'm here to interview Mark Sloan."

"You can't, this is my case and you have his sister on the team"

"And according to all the evidence, he has the right to sue your ass for this if you continue" his face goes red and i can't help but smile a bit as i hear you and Penelope laugh in the comms. "You're welcome to stay and see how a real interrogation works" Mark looks thankfully at me like he was actually considering that lawsuit.

"I'm staying because it's my case" Mitch answers and it's not like i can kick him out. Well i can but then i'd risk the case and my career and i'm not going to do that.

"Fine" i say as i sit down in the other chair. Placing the files on the table. "Now, Mr Sloan. I'm going to say and name you're going to tell me about them. Do you understand how this is going to work?"

"I understand" he nods for me to begin.

"Good. Claudia Hunt"

"Claudia Hunt turned 21 last month, she's Hispanic and goes to a business school. She broke things up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago. She was also getting treatment from a fire six years ago, for her skin" he goes into detail and that's exactly what the plan was.

"Wilda Kaiser"

"Wilda Kaiser was turning 39 in two weeks. She's American, Caucasian and a history professor. She always talked about a student here, and a student there and she was into the occult" there's a piece of information we didn't have before and i can hear how Penelope is writing it down but i try not to focus on it. "She was getting the same treatment from a fire two years ago where she was badly burned on her right leg and torso"

"Freida McDowell"

"Freida McDowell turned 16 last summer as an exchange student from Sweden. She brings her girlfriend in on every visit, Scarlet McIntyre who's another exchange student but from Ireland. She was in a car accident the first month she got here and has been getting treatments for those burns ever since."

"Estelle Bates"

"Estelle Bates was on her third last treatment from a cooking incident two years ago. She had protected her daughter from the flames and burned her back and arms badly. Her daughter's name is Rose Bates and is now ten. Estelle was 27 and i've never met her ex-husband. She's a mechanic downtown"

"Reva Gilbert" he's shocked to hear another name as he only knew of four of them. Which tells us more than he didn't do it, because it's genuine. And the fact that he's been sitting her for her murder.

"Reva Gilbert is a 19 year old African-american, she's a Communications and media student at SeattleU. She usually brings her best friend Kayden Walsh with her to appointments, sometimes her boyfriend Tyler Donavan joins her but that's not often. She was caught in a fire that was meant to kill someone else, burning her badly and she was betting treatment at Seattle Grace-Mercy West ever since" he answers and i look at the last file. I know this reaction will be the most important one.

"Keri Ramirex" and i was right. The tears he's been holding in are no longer staying there.

"You're wrong, she can't be... she can't" he's about to break and i can't watch it.

"Mark, information on Keri Ramirex"

"Keri Ramirex just celebrated turning 49 last month with her family in Italy. She's a surgical nurse at Seattle Grace-Mercy West... more specifically, she's my surgical nurse. And on a summer vacation at home, she got stuck in a hotel fire that burned her really badly and she's been getting treatments from me ever since. She's my nurse because she knows me and i can keep an eye on her" his breath is chakey. "Please tell me she's not dead"

"She's not dead. The unsub was interrupted and Ms Ramirex was taken to the hospital, it is unsure if she'll survive the OD. And if she does, she'll need those treatments even more"

"Wait? OD? He drugs them?" he's relieved but still confused.

"Mark, listen to me. I'm going to give you our profile and you're going to remember who's doing this. It's the only way we can get you out of here" Mitch snorts beside me and i want to do is stare him down into the floor but i need to focus. "Mark, tell me you understand"

"I understand" he says, breathing still shaky.

"He's Caucasian male in his late 40s. In the last months he's lost a daughter, wife or sister to a fire. It could have been an aftereffect or the only one getting out of the fire. Maybe he had to pull the plug on her. He would have acted violently or not at all... like he was numb to all the pain." he thinks and somewhere it clicks.

"Tricia Harper. She was 17 and a fire put her in the hospital. She was laying there for almost a year before they pulled the plug, when all hope was gone and the money was getting too much."

"Tricia Harper. Mother Riley Harper, younger brother Mike Harper and older sister Cleo, Father Robert Harper... he's nowhere to be found and he fits the profile to a T. I'm seeding the address now" Penelope says in the earpiece and i have to get one last piece of information so that Mark can calm down and wait here in peace.

"Garcia, can you give me an update on our latest victim?" i address them through the earpiece and both Mitch and Mark are surprised that it was even there.

"She just came out of surgery, they managed to keep her alive and are having her under observation" you answer as you must have gotten the information just before.

"Detective Mitch, my team is waiting outside if you want to follow with on the rightful arrest. While Mr Sloan, Keri is in the ICU and has made it out of surgery. She might be okay, with time" Mitch snorts and walks out while Mark leans onto the table and breathes out in small sobs.

"Thanks Emily" he whispers with a small smile and all i can do is return the smile. I go out and back to you and Garcia, only to find Aaron standing there and talking to you. Even Penelope has found her way out of the room. But it ends with a smile from both of them so my guess is that it's good.

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