The one where she worries

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Y/n pov

"I'm going to be fine Penelope, i can take care of myself and i have the team to protect me" i say in a hurried tone as it's the fifth time i've said it. It almost sounds like we're fighting at this rate as i park outside of the apartment.

"I don't care, i won't be able to see you all the time and i'll worry. You know that i can't take losing you" she won't even look at me before she gets out of the car.

"I know sweetheart, but i'm going to be okay. Okay, i promise you" i get out and run after her. Taking her arm to stop her in the courtyard. "Nothing is going to happen to me"

"You don't know that, there are people who'll hurt you if they get the chance and you're going to walk into their trap because it's your job"

"Listen to me" i lift her chin to get her to look me in my eyes as i say it. "Nothing, you hear me, nothing is going to stop me from coming home to you. Safe and sound, i promise you that"

"You can't promise that"

"Yes i can because you bring me luck and that luck will get me home, just like it did when i was shot" she snorts to my words and i see it now. "You don't believe in luck?

"No, but i do believe everything happens for a reason" she says before starting to walk inside again, leaving me standing for a few seconds before i go after her.

"Penelope, Penelope" i call after her in the stairwell but it's not until we get inside the apartment that she stops. I can hear quiet sobs escape from her lips as her back is faced towards me. "You might not believe in luck and fate but i do. You wanna know why?" she doesn't answer me but doesn't stop me from continuing either. "Because when i was laying on that table i wanted to die, i thought it was my time" my words make her whole body stiff and the sobs aren't quiet anymore. "But then i was trapped in a black room and there was this voice who told me not to go, told me not to leave her and be a ditcher for girls night."

"That was me? I said that when you were asleep in the hospital" her voice breaks at the last word and i take a few steps towards her again.

"And then i woke up because i tried to scream for you, scream for you that i was not leaving, that i was still there and wanted to wake up." i grab her arm to turn her towards me and she meets my gaze. "I was given a second chance because of you and i'm not leaving you, no matter what. We're going to have a life together until we die out of old age together in a house by the ocean" a smile breaks through her tears as she listens to me.

"As long as it's close to the city" she adds and i can't help but let out a laugh.

"I promise, now and forever that i'm going to be by your side all the time. That after every case i'm going to come home to bed with you, the after every case i'm going to join you for dinner or breakfast whatever time it is. That however much you worry i'm always going to answer your call because i love you, now and forever"

"I love you too, now and forever"

Penelope pov

"Sorry for it being so late but in the last three nights, three women have been chained to a chair and burned to death in Seattle." i say and your gaze speed reads the casefile. It was one of the first things i thought of... so many people you know and care for live in Seattle. "SPD have requested our help as it seems that one women is being killed every night and want our help to stop it"

"Well it's a long flight and we don't have much time until nightfall, so let's go over it on the jet. So Garcia, why don't you come with us and you'll have much better access to everything and we won't have the time to call all the time, it'll be better. Wheels up in 20" Hotch says and i'm still. I don't even notice how everyone leaves until you're calling my name from the doorframe.

"Penelope? You coming?"

"Right, yes, i'm..." my voice gets cut off by air.

"Everything okay? You seem tense" you say as you walk over to me, where i'm still standing with the remote in my hand by the tv.

"No i'm okay, everything's okay" i manage to say before looking up at you who see right through me, as usual. "I just didn't expect to come with"

"Well see it this way, you won't have to worry about me being gone as you'll be there as well. And..." a smirk comes up upon your face as your gaze flickers between my eyes and my mouth. "... none of us will have to go to bed alone"

"I don't even have a go-bag"

"The worst thing that'll happen is that you will have to share with me. Now it might ruin your brand for colourful dresses, but if you want to we can just swing by home and pick some things out. I don't know if we have the time for that but..."

"Okay i get it, i have an extra set of clothes in my office but that's it. That's all i've got"

"And that's all you need. Anything else, we can buy it at the supermarket or you can borrow it from me" you say and suddenly have all the solutions to my problems. "Now, let's go and save people"

"I worry about you... i want so much to call you... to hear your voice and know that you're okay. I hope you know that you're never as alone as you may feel... you're always in my thoughts" Ranata Suzuki

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