The one where they look like her

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A/n it's my 17th birthday 🥳🎂 today so as a gift I'm gonna give you all some more chapters throughout the day. Hope you all have a wonderful day

Y/n pov

"E... Prentiss and JJ will go to the latest crime scene while Sloan and Reid will meet up at the me. The rest of us will set up at the station" Aaron says and i notice how he almost refers to Emily as Emily and not as Prentiss.

"And Garcia, get some information on Matthew Black, he's the leading detective in this case" Emily adds as we're about to pull up to the airport where we're meeting the rest.

"Will do. Good luck" she says and that ends the phone call.

"Please tell me there is another reason to do research on Matt then the fact that he's my 'crazy' ex" i ask her before she can get out of the car.

"Of course there is"

"And what is that?" but she's silent, before heading out. I look at Aaron but he just shrugs his shoulders. "I'll see you at the station later"

I get into one of the other cars where Spencer is already sitting in the passenger seat.

"Was it a nice event?" he asks me as i start to drive from the airport towards the me's office.

"It wasn't that bad, i managed to avoid the part of my family that doesn't like me at least. Then we got pulled away on this case" i answer shortly as his phone calls, he quickly puts it speaker.

"I found some information of the lead detective and thought you all should hear it" Penelope says and i know she dug up some old photos of him and me from college.

"What did you find Garcia?" Spencer asks even though i wish he hadn't, she would have said it anyways but still. I can see on his phone that everyone can hear this.

"I found an old picture of him and our lovely y/n"

"Penelope..." i start but get interrupted.

"Wait, Sloan knows Detective Black. How?" JJ asks.

"We went to the same college" i answer shortly, hoping that Penelope would get the memo that i don't want to talk about it with everyone. It's gonna be enough awkwardness between me and him for everyone to know.

"Did you find something else?" Aaron asks as he got the memo.

"Well, yeah. He's been a detective for nine years, a few medals for bravery and even was the officer of the month for seven months in a row"

"So how is he still a detective? Has he been offered to be an Officer or Chief?" Spencer asks and i snort at that fact, but only he hears me.

"No he has not, i'll continue digging"

"No more digging on Matthew. Look into something that tells us about the Unsubs hunting ground" i interrupt before pulling up outside the me. "We're here" i just say as a way to get out of the conversation. I'm lucky that he doesn't bring up the oblivius facts that a profiler sees. We show our badges at the front desk. Then a man leads us into the room where the latest body is, Victoria Francis.

"So except for the gunshot in the back of the head and the ligature marks, there is nothing out of the ordinary?" i ask the me, who seems to be named Dauge.

"Well nothing that points out anyways and nothing in common with the others, except for their appearance" he answers.

"What do you mean?" Spencer is first to ask.

"Well first i thought it was a prank or something from my colleges but now that we know it's the same killer, i don't" He pulls off the sheet that laid over the woman. "All local american women with brown skin, black hair down to the tailbone, brown eyes and around 5.5 feet" and the words that were gonna come out of my mouth don't and Spencer can see why. The woman before me looks like an exact copy of Lena.

"Could you tell us what was used as a rope?"

"Judging by the marks i would say it was a leather belt"

"A belt? Was there any residence of leather on her skin?"

"No, but in her mouth. He had her bite down on in" i can't stop looking at the woman. Spencer puts his arm on mine to bring me back to reality.

"Thanks, call us if you find something new" he says and we walk out without even one look behind us. Back into the car where, halfway to the station, i come back to reality.

"I didn't imagine that, did i?" i ask him, i have to. After everything i've gone through, I'm not sure i can trust my senses right now.

"No, you didn't" not exactly what i wanted to hear but sure.

"Can you read the victims list?" and since he does what i ask him I know he knows that it will go away as soon as i get a chance to calm down somewhere else, where i also get to concentrate back on the case.

"Zoe Rogers 29, Grace Wilson 30, Shannon Carter 30, Mira Castro 29 and Victoria Francis" he says, reading off the memorised list in his head. It makes me calm down a bit. It can't just be me who sees where this scenario fits right? Kills women who are engaged to a woman who's job takes her away all too often.

"Maybe you should stay outside on this one"


"Because the victims looks like someone you love and that can cause you to act without thinking"

"Look, Reid. I'm not gonna act irrationally, i just need to get started on the profile instead of focusing on their faces."

"Fine, but don't get mad at me when i pull you back from when you cross that line"

"Thanks" and this is when i realise that this team is a family, and i've just become a part of that.

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