The one where i think it's over

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"From every mountainside, let the freedom ring" Martin Lurther king Jr

Derek pov

"Reid saw it on the plane back from Atlanta" Prentiss says, handing me a piece of paper. 'The one trying to kill me, it's Micha Jefferson's father. Christopher Jefferson' read as a nurse passes us, almost bumping into my shoulder.

"But how does he know who she is, i mean. The whole thing with interpol is that outside you believe it's a desk job" i have so many questions at the time. And none of them are about to be answered.

"I don't know, but that officer isn't leaving soon and neither are we" i can see how Garcia is impatient and worried in her chair. Her tear stained cheeks encourage me to walk up to the nurses station, approaching one of the nurses. Both their gazes follow me.

"Could you check how Y/n Sloan is doing?" i ask her, wanting nothing more than to hear her say that everything is okay and that she's asleep.

"What's her room number?" The question is almost like we were staying at a hotel. But i'm glad that they can look at the machines from another room and not only in the patient's room.

"213" i answer and she looks down on the computers. A frown comes upon her face as she sees something.

"I don't know, it seems as if the machines have been shut off." The chair behind me falls onto the floor as Garcia stands up, hearing the words that've been said.

"Call Hotch, now" i say to Prentiss as i start to take off, pulling out my gun out of the holster. And even though i see how Garcia tries to come after us, I gesture for her to keep a little distance behind us.

"He's already here. Chrisopher Jefferson is in the hospital" Prentiss says into her phone before she also gets her gun out. A call out for help, it's your voice, and it's cheer panic. I can hear how it's still strained but still hopeful that someone hears. Just down the hall, the officer outside your room reacts as well and goes into the room. But it takes a whole more 30 seconds for us to run down the hall and to that door. But as i'm about to open the door, it doesn't even move. It's barricaded from the inside and i hear the words of a man and the soft sobs of fear from you.

"Everything was perfect until you came along with your team and flirtatious comments. You made him think he was in love, but it was all a game to you. All a part of the mission huh?"

"He was a danger to my country, to my world. Just be glad that i didn't kill him with my bare hands after what he did to my friends, instead he got a lethal injection by the state" your voice is dry and breathless. The voice that's always been like a rock in a storm is breaking and it breaks my heart. Prentiss caughts up with me but has told Garcia to stay a few doors down.

"You shall die for this, it's the circle of life" the man says and as the clicking of a gun i kick the door down, breaking the chair that was holding it closed in two. As well as the body of the officer falling down into a pool of blood in the corner of my eye.

"Christopher Jefferson, put down the gun" i call out to the man in the middle of the room. But my eyes go past him... to you on the floor. This time it's not tears that's made your cheek red, but a hit. On the hospital dress there is some blood that i can't tell if it belongs to you or the officer, nor the splash on your face.

"Come on now, put the gun down and we can talk about this" Prentiss comes up beside me so that he has no way out. The profile of him would be that he's planned every single move, so how does he plan to get out of this without getting arrested? Unless he's not planning on making it out alive.

"I'm not done here so run along back to your little office, Emily Prentiss" he says, letting know that he knows who we are. "She needs to pay for the life that was taken"

"She didn't take a life, your son chose that life for himself and only had himself to blame."

"And if you continue to go down this road, there will be no end and then you'll end up in the same place he was" Prentiss adds and for only a second, hesitation goes through Jefferson and it costs him. A piece of glass is pressed in your hand and you swing it towards him to distract him. It does, but it does also make him press the trigger. I instantly go to kick the gun away from Jefferson and put a pair of cuffs on him as Prentiss immediately goes down to you, to see the damage. The gunshot attracts the attention of everyone outside, so Garcia and a few nurses and doctors come into the room. You both make a run for it and into each other's arms. Both me and Prentiss can do nothing but smile at it.

"I'm okay, i'm okay" i hear the faint whispering in tears from you.

"You're going to pay for this Y/n" Jefferson says and Garcia is almost on her way to hit him if you hadn't kept your arms around her to keep her still.

"I think it's more that you're going to pay for this Jefferson. Take him out" i say to the officers that enter, giving them the man.

Y/n pov

I can't be more grateful for everything than i am now. He had heard me... but the officer had paid the price instead of Morgan. You'd think that i'd be out of tears by now but i'm not. I have tears streaming down my face as Morgan takes me into his embrace. Because it was him that saved me, it was him that i had called out for. He brushes his hand over my hair and i can finally breathe out properly. It's been like a shuttle being half closed for the last year and now... it's fully open.

"It's over now" he says into my hair before he lets me go. Emily pulls me into her embrace before i can say anything about it.

"You almost broke your promise" i hear how her voice almost breaks. Like she's trying to keep it up for the others, but i can hear it.

"But i didn't, and i'm never going to as long as you do the same" i say into her neck and i'm so glad that it's over. I've been waiting for this for so long and it's finally here.

After more tearful minutes, a doctor comes in to check on me. And they are all happy to find out that nothing of the blood belongs to me, even though it means it belonged to the officer and him. I don't even know the name of the officer, who's life was cut short because of me. But now i'm never taking anything for granted and once again, i'm gonna start over with the ones i love and move on. This time i actually can... and after writing my testimony, i will be able to move on from everything that Norway brought into my life. So the thing that everyone thought happened after my breakdown can finally happen. Dr Royce, the doctor from Atlanta, had explained to me and Lena that the trauma was too big to fit in my head... but it's really not. It has been the only thing being in my head and now i can finally start to let it go and fill it with new things. Things i'll get to experience again, with Penelope.

Pema Chodron once said "Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know" and i think i know what she meant now... now that i've learned my lessons the troubles have gone away.

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