The one with a little confrontation

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Y/n pov

The moment i feared in the car is here as Morgan sit's down opposed to me.

"Did you think it went unnoticed?" he says as i meet his gaze, but i quickly look back at the moon outside instead.

"And what did you notice?" i ask in return, turning the question to him.

"You know it's not nice to continue being in a relationship with someone you've started to fall out of love with" he says but i can't even allow myself to think like that. Because i do love Pen.... Lena. Lena, i love Lena. I love her too as well but not in that way, right?

"Did you know that for the past thirteen years i've only had four people around me at all time, now one is dead, one lives on the other side of the country, one lives back in Atlanta and then there is Lena" i don't really know who i'm convincing about this. "I'm not falling out of love with the one person who's been there through everything Morgan"

"The scene with Garcia earlier said otherwise" JJ adds from the other side of the aisle. I hadn't noticed her moving around in the plane. But i do meet Emily's gaze before she looks away with a guilty look, she looks the opposite way from where Aaron is seated.

"What scene? There was a scene when we had the briefing" Morgan asks with a small smile but i can't smile about that. No matter how much i wanted to kiss her i can't, it's not right.

"Garcia spilt coffee over the both of them so they had to change, Sloan gave her Interpol hoodie to her" JJ says with a loving smile.

"So that's why you don't have it on now" Morgan says leaning back and i continue to watch the sun that's starting to rise, colouring the sky so many colours.

"She didn't have extra clothing so i offered a shirt, then i called Lena about picking them up to wash both our shirts. It's not a big deal really" i explain but they don't seem to believe me, it's okay though i wouldn't either.

"No the big deal was how close you two were when i came into the room, you took a step back"

"And from where i see it it's actually none of your business" i say but i'm too tired to even make it sound rude, it just sounds tired.

"But we care about you, about Penelope as well. We don't want anyone getting hurt" JJ says and i understand, but nothing is going to happen, right?

"And you might not be falling out of love but you're starting to fall for someone else as well"

"You can't love two people at once Morgan"

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second" Morgan says and i can't help but smile.

"Did you just quote Johnny Depp to me?" i laugh out, and see how both of them relax a bit to my laugh as they both laugh a bit with me.

"Maybe i did, but it doesn't mean it's less true"

Penelope pov

There is a knock on my door as i'm typing faster than i ever have before. Someone comes into the room and i see in the reflection of my screens that it's Anderson.

"You have a Lena Goodwin here to see you" he says and i remember that you had asked her to pick up our clothes. "Should i send her in?"

"Yeah, just send her in here" i say as i put away everything related to the case, it's not that i don't trust her, it's only protocol. Plus, some of the crime scene photos are gruesome.

"Hi Penelope, y/n told me to come and pick up some shirts?" she says with a happy tone but the smile on her face fades a bit as she sees my hoodie, or rather your hoodie. I can see that she's tired, well it is very early.

"Yeah, i accidently spilled coffee on us" she's still staring at the logo on the hoodie as i point towards our shirts beside her. She looks away as she takes the bag of clothes. "Everything okay?" i have to ask because even with everything she's acting strange, and as far as i'm aware we are friends.

"Yeah sorry, Y/n said she had thrown away that hoodie. Said it reminded her too much of... nevermind" she interrupts herself and i see she knows much about that case.

"Of Norway?" i finish her sentence and she looked surprised at me. "She told me a little about it. She also said that she keeped the hoodie because it reminded her that she got out of there, because it was a goodbye gift from her boss"

"That it was, maybe i've mixed them up and was thinking about another one" it almost looks like she's gonna cry over that fact. I'm so gonna sound like a guy for just thinking it but maybe she's on her period since she's extra sensitive. I regretted it as soon as i thought about it. "Can i ask you a small favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Could you just ask her to call me, she's not answering my calls"

"That's because they're still in the air and there the only calls can be between me and them. But they should land soon, i'll ask her to call you when they land" i do the maths in my head. They left at around 3 am, it's a six hour flight, it's 8;30 am now, you should land within forty minutes.

"Thanks, i'll be back around noon with your shirt"

"Thanks Lena" and with that she leaves and i can't help but think about what she said. Either you had lied or she just mixed two shirts together. But just her face makes me feel bad, i know she's insecure so i'm gonna back off a bit. I don't want to be the reason for your failed relationship, plus you're getting married soon so i really don't wanna be a homewrecker.

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