The one where something happens

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Six weeks later

Y/n pov

Literally the only thing i've caught myself doing now is counting down the days to the execution, it's the only thing that's left to count for.

"Hello, earth to Sloan" Rossi says and Morgan snaps his finger in front of my face to bring me back into the bullpen. Reid and JJ let out a small laugh and all i want to do is point out the obvious feelings between the two, that everyone can see except for them apparently.

"What?" i ask and realise how tired my voice sounds. Well of course it's tired when i've slept on the, not so comfortable, couch for six weeks.

"Dinner at Rossi's tonight, you in?" Emily asks even though i don't think it's a question. "You're coming anyways" she answers for me instead as she had a feeling i would say no. Well i do have a lot to do, i'm packing up everything in the apartment to get rid of everything Lena.

"What time?" i ask with a sign as i have no other choice. But as Penelope enters the bullpen i immediately sat properly in my chair and none of the others missed that. God, I'm pathetic.

"Around six, and it's dress up night" JJ answers and there's two signs this time, me and Reid.

"Penny, what are you wearing tonight?" Emily asks and for some reason i just know it's to mess with me.

"Oh, why don't you wear that sunrise dress you bought for date night that you never got to wear" JJ says before she can answer and my mind flashes back to that shopping trip, where i only got to see her in a black version of it. I know they could see the reason why i didn't stay when she was going to test the sunrise coloured one.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea" Penelope answers and i have to hide my blushing face from where my imagination took me. So i turn back towards the papers on my desk, letting my hair fall in between my face and them.

"And why don't you wear the blue one you bought?" JJ says to me and i freze.

"I returned it"

"Why?" JJ questions and sure why not question everything.

"Because i bought that dress for the wedding reception JJ" i say and that's something they didn't know. That the incredibly hot dark blue dress i bought for the reception.

"Then wear the black one, it's more comfortable anyways" Emily says as to save the conversation even though i would deem it already lost.

"I'll wear something that's not my pyjamas" i just say before going back to my paperwork that i have no idea what it is. In the corner of my eye i can still see Penelope looking at me as they continue the conversation i'm not even listening to.

That night at Rossis after a few drinks

"You're hurting her and yourself and i think you know it" Morgan says from behind me as i pull down the black dress that Emily suggested since it had slid up my thigh.

"What are you talking about?" i ask even though i'm fully aware of what he's talking about. Maybe thinking that the booze will take it away.

"Penelope, you're hurting her by keeping your feelings from her. It's going to destroy the both of you because none of you are able to move on"

"Morgan, you don't understand. Just because my feelings for her destroyed my engagement doesn't mean i like her that way, how could you know"

"Yes i do, i've known since i first met Lena. You introduced her as your fiance and we all thought you were bragging, as did she. But you were trying to convince yourself that she was still the one for you and you did that so many times in the short time i've known you." he continues and i can see Penleope talking to JJ and Emily in the reflection, even they glance over to us.

"What are you guys up to really?" i ask him but he just shrugs his shoulders so i decide to go back to the drinks because i can not deal with them sober.

Later into the night, everyone goes out to enjoy the night sky and the somehow not cold October night. But i'm still sitting on one of the chairs in the dining hall when Penelope comes in and sits down on the chair beside me.

"You know, i guessed three things about tonight but i was only wrong on one" i start up the conversation even though i'm not even sure where i'm going here.

"What did you guess?" she asks, intrigued as she leans closer to me.

"First was that this was a distraction for me, i was right. Second was that Morgan would be in my hair for having right, i was right again"

"What about the third thing?" she asks and now it's my turn to lean closer to her. It's like a magnet is pulling me closer.

"That you would look good in that dress, i was wrong" her face goes quickly to confusion but i continue my sentence before her reaction could stay. "Cause you look too hot to handle in that dress" our faces are now so close so i can feel her breath on my face.

"You don't look too bad yourself" she says with a smirk and the alcohol gives me the courage to close the gap between our lips. First, like a request, it's a light kiss before she kisses me back. Her strawberry lips taste even better than i could ever have imagined as they press hungrily against my own.

Penelope pov

My hands find your neck to pull you closer to the edge of your chair and closer to me. One of your hands makes its way up my thigh while the other is occupying my cheek. I've dreamed about this moment for weeks and this was nothing like that, but so much better. Sure this only happened because we both got enough alcohol in us to even dare. No matter how hungirly the kiss is, we separate to take a breath. As i meet your e/c eyes and your rosy cheeks i can't stop the butterflies in my stomach.

"Why was Morgan nagging you for being right about?" i can't help but ask and you laugh as we are still mere inches apart. That is until we hear a door open and we separate quicker than a bullet.

"Did we interrupt something?" JJ asks with a smile as if they knew.

"No, we were just talking" i don't even know why i lied, practically all of them have spent the night pushing us towards each other.

"Well, Savannah is picking me up now, who wants a ride?" Morgan asks and me, you, Reid and JJ all hold up our hand. My guess is that Emily is going with Hotch.

A/N and 36 parts later something happens between them.

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