The one with the unsub

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Y/n pov

"Come on Garcia, tell me you got something" Aaron says into the phone as i can hear her angry typing. I keep looking at the picture of Debbie Burke on the wall. She's still alive, but only if he sticks to his schedule.

"I've got two men... scratch that Mr Hollis is in jail. I got one man who fit our profile" she answers and we all let out that breath we've been holding without realising it. "Harry Rio lost his divorce to Amelia Harriet four weeks ago, he's an electrician with three kids that both live with their mother in Northern California."

"I need his work and home address"

"Already sent" Penelope says and of course. I might not have been here for so long but according to Emily and Morgan she's the best at what she does.

"Okay. Morgan, Reid and Dave will check his job while me, Sloan, Emily and JJ check his home"

So we take a few officers with us as we drive over to the home address. It's dark but according to his shift he should still be at work even though it's 9 pm. Aaron gestures for an officer to open the door and he does and we enter with our guns raised high. Emily heads towards the kitchen, Aaron towards the living room while JJ heads upstairs while i make my way towards the basement. But a muffled sound makes me stop with my hand on the doorknob, i feel it and it unlocks. I still have my gun raised as i make my way down the stairs in the dimmed light. The last step breaks and makes me fall to the ground where spikes have been placed, i notice them as one pierces the side of my hand. If I had fallen completely on them, i'm happy that i'm marrying a neurosurgeon and that my brother is a plastic surgeon. But a muffled scream brings my gun up again to point to a woman. Tears are streaming down her face as well as some blood. She's tied down to a bed in a dirty white dress that makes her blond hair look even whiter.

"Is he here?" i ask as i look around but she just shakes her head in sobs. "Are you Debbie Burke?" and she nods her head again as i walk up to her. "Aaron, she's down here"

I put my gun away before starting to untie her. "Everything is going to be okay now" i'm unsure to touch her as i don't know if the rape accured during the days or just before he had killed them. Everyone's reactions are different. But i can see it in her eyes that he didn't, so i put an arm around her waist and help her up as Aaron and Emily came down.

"Watch out for the last steps, there's nails on the ground" i say before they can take the last step to the broken one.

"Where are my kids?" Debbie asks with a horse and worried voice. I guess it is the place where all mothers go no matter what.

"They're with your sister at the station" Emily answers and i can feel how she breathes out.

As they put her in the ambulance Aaron grabs my hand to look at the fresh cut where the blood has run across my whole hand.

"I thought we agreed not to do anything stupid" he says and i take my hand back with a smile.

"It was a trap, the last stair step broke and it could have been much worse. But hey, what's another scar" i joke but he stays serious.

"Get that checked up and get back to the hotel. It's getting late so we're gonna get some sleep before heading home tomorrow"

"What about Rio?" i ask as he waves over one of the paramedics.

"They caught him trying to escape through the back. He's going to do life in prison" i make a face as the paramedics clean it up. He nods JJ over to us. "Plane leaves at 9 am, i'll see you there" and with that he leaves.

"Seems like you're stuck with me" i say with a smile and wince once again when the paramedic puts on the bandage.

"I don't mind, give me a chance to get to know you" JJ says with a smile of her own.

"There's not really much to know JJ, i'm a simple woman"

"Well there must be something about you that made Aaron have two framed photos of you in his office" she says as we start to walk towards the car.

"I've just known him for a long time" i answer as we get into it. Her in the driver seat and me in the passenger seat.

"They're sitting on his memorial shelf. First they were on another shelf but about a year ago he moved them, some of us thought it meant you died. Since the only other to be on that shelf is Haley..." she stops talking as she sees my face that i quickly turn to look out onto the road. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to intrude. You're just new here, we're all a little curious"

"It's okay, Reid was also curious about it" i can see her look like she thinks he knows, he does but he won't say anything. As before, i might be new but i still know stuff about this team. "He won't tell you if you're thinking about asking him"

"Will you forever be a mystery to us?" She has a smile to try and lift the heavy mood set in the car right now.

"What would be the fun in not being a mystery?" but i know they will either get to know from someone else so it's better to just have my version than the real one. "Okay, heavy topic coming here. Last year i had an assignment that went bad, something happened and when i came back i wasn't the same. That's why i'm on the memorial shelf, that person is dead"

"Whow, Emily wasn't kidding when she said you had a heavy past" JJ says and of course someone had already said something. Why did i expect them not to?

"Yeah, we got our baggage. But i'd like it to stay unpacked, so JJ...?" it's a silent question but i know she understands it.

"Right, it's your thing to say so i won't say a thing" and i so want that to be the end of the conversation. "The others should know though, we're not big on keeping our pasts a secret here"

"I know, but it's more that i don't want to remember it than telling people. I just want the past to stay in the past, not dig it up"

"Fine, it's your decision" and with that the dreadful conversation is over.

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