The one where my brother may be involved

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Y/n pov

"Chief Webber, thank you for meeting with us. This is SSA Alex Blake" i introduce Blake, almost myself as well but it seems unnecessary since he knows how i am... by first name.

"Robbins has caught me up on what this is about. Come one in" he opens the door and lets us in. We sit down around his office desk. "Wish we meet again under different circumstances and i guess it's not the right time to ask how you are?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, healed and back in the field." i answer with a serious smile as i had already known that he was going to ask that. "We're here to investigate the murders of Claudia Hunt, Wilda Kaiser and Freida McDowell. They were all getting burn treatments here... by my brother"

"Doesn't that become a conflict of interest?" he asks as there are a lot of similar rules of the medical and FBI field.

"It's not, because i would not be handling him. I just thought it would be better if i followed along here, since i know the place and people... also i know what the reaction would be if police officers come here asking questions" he nods and hums as he sits straight in his chair instead.

"Right now, Mark Sloan is the only common thread between these three victims." Blake says, taking the stare of me. "That's why we're here, to find out if he could be in danger because of it or if it's a coincidence"

"Well, he should be out of surgery now. I'll send for him" he says and i see how he's not approving of me being here, but we both ignore it as he goes out.

"He is right about that though" Blake says and i sign, knowing that she's right.

"I know, there are just a lot of other things i need to do. But right now we need to focus and..." but the ringing of her phone cuts us off.

"What've you got Garcia" he answers, putting her on speaker for us both to hear.

"Team, I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news but they've just found another body" Penelope says, telling me that the rest of the team is also on the call. "They've identified her as Estelle Bates, age 27, American and a mechanic downtown. She left after a daughter of 10, Rose" I can hear how everyone's hearts break at the last fact. "Estelle's ex-husband and Rose's father is flying in from New York as we speak"

"Dave, what did you find out at the ME?" Aaron asks and i stand to look out at the hospital below us. Watching as doctors run to their places, civilians crying for not knowing whether their loved one is going to die or survive.

"Their tox-screens show a high level of Ketamine"

"So they were dead before they were burned?" i ask as it gives a relaxing knowledge to know that they were dead before the fire.

"It seems so, so maybe we're not looking for a sadist after all." Rossi answers me. Because a sadist get off on their victims torture.

"When did they find the body?" Blake brings the attention back to the fourth body.

"Twenty minutes ago, estimated time of death was around only eight hours ago" Penelope answers and i get what Blake is seeing now.

"That means two kills in one night, we might be looking at the start of a spree" Blake continues and the door to the office is about to be opened. "We're about to check things out here, we'll meet you back at the station" and with that we hang up as Webber and Mark come in through the door. Mark looks questiongly at me and then at Blake. Cause if this was a social call, i would be alone and i would have called ahead.

"Sorry to have to this Mark but we need you to answer a few questions about four patients of yours" i take the word as i want to get this over with. I don't want my brother under the microscope.

"Four, i thought you said three" Webber says as he sits down in his chair and Mark continues to stand. Blake is still sitting in her chair and i'm still standing by the window.

"They just found another woman, Estelle Bates" Blake answers and Mark reacts to the name quicker than i hoped for.

"That can't be, she was here last night for her treatment. She only has two treatments left" he almost looks like he's about to break and i want to go over and hug him but Blake's gaze on me makes me not do it. She was right once again, it is better than we're doing this together.

"I'm sorry Dr. Sloan. But we have reasons to believe that you might be in danger"

"Have you had anyone lose their daughter, mom or sister to a fire in the last month?" i ask and he can't even look at me. It shows how long he's gotten from the self absorbed ass he was before Addieson broke his heart and Lexie came into his life. "He would have reacted with a lot of anger, maybe even became violent"

"No, not that i know of. Who could be doing this?"

"That's what we're here to find out. But now we need you stay here at the hospital until we know for certain that you're not at the centre of this unsubs rage"

"Unsub?" Webber asks and i almost forgot he was even in the room. Wholly focused on Mark.

"Unknown subject, it's what we call the people we're after. It also doesn't give them the satisfaction of a name, as long as the Police doesn't admit them." as i've explained it i hear multiple voices downstairs and can't help myself but look. At least a dozen police officers are preparing to bring someone in. And i can bet on it being Mark. And a text on my phone from Aaron confirmed it.

I couldn't stop them, take him in yourself instead to avoid harm. We will get to the bottom of this, i promise but you'll have to keep out of the way.

"Fuck" i whisper under my breath and Blake joins me by my side to look down. "We have to bring him in to make sure everything goes like we want. They went over our heads to do this" i show her the text from Aaron.

"You want me to do it?" she knows how it would portray if it was me who brought Mark out in cuffs. 'Surgeon Mark Sloan at Seattle Grace-Mercy West was arrested by her FBI sister this morning' that'll be the headline. I can already see it.

"It's best so" i say and we both turn back. "This is about to get a whole lot more complicated than it already is. Webber i'm going to need you to not escalate this and tell everyone who's asking to call either me or Agent Prentiss" I hand him a card with both mine and Emily's number on it.

"Mark Sloan, we're going to have to put you under arrest as a suspect of the murders of four women. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." Blake says as she cuffs my brother and it's an image i'll never be able to get out of my head. "Do you understand your rights?"

"Yes i do" Mark looks at me and i can see in his eyes that he doesn't understand what's happening. So much points to him at the moment that it's what needs to be done to prove his innocence. He looks at me like i've betrayed him, like he thinks that i think he had something to do with this. But i really don't, he could never. Never could he in a million years kill the people he's fighting so hard to save. And i know for sure that he does not have a hero complex.

"It's hard to tell how has you back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it" Nichole Richie

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