The one where i'd rather be there then home

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Y/n pov

I put in the number of Morgan, that i've somehow been able to memorise from every time he's picked me up in the morning, in my private phone since i threw the job one so hard at the wall that it won't start. I have no idea of when she'll be here but she thinks i'm at work so between the hours of 8 am and forward. She'll probably do it as soon as she can, so i need to be gone. And since i'm not allowed to drive yet, i need a ride.

"Hi, Derek Morgan's phone, this is Savannah speaking" i hear Savannah answer and i breathe out.

"Hi, it's Y/n. Could i talk to Derek please"

"Yeah sure, but how come it didn't say you were calling? I thought he had your number saved" and of course she has to ask that.

"This is my private phone, my job one broke" i don't need to go into detail of how it broke to her. Considering her and Lena are enemies at work she would probably use it against her that we broke up.

"Oh, well here is he... it's y/n" and i hear how she passes the phone to him.

"Who's phone are you calling from?" is the first thing he asks and i don't really get why, maybe it's just our FBI genes that make us paranoid now.

"It's my phone, my work phone broke"

"What'd you do to it?" he asks and i know i'll probably tell him the truth eventually. Maybe he'll be the first one to know.

"I can tell you later but can i please come with you to the office, i can't stay here" i say and it almost sound like i'm panicking.

"Why not? Did something happen?" worry laces his voice.

"I'll tell you in the car, just please come by and get me on your way to work" i hear him sign as if i had given him a heart attack. "I don't care that i was supposed to stay home two days but i can't stay here... and i was told not to drive until the drugs were out of my systems fully"

"Fine, i'll come by a get you in twenty minuts, be ready" he finally says after a few seconds of silence. I thank him and wait those horribly long twenty minutes until he gets here.

"So why are we not listening to Hotch?" is the first thing he says as i sit down in his car.

"Lena's coming by to pick up her stuff and i didn't get to tell her that i wouldn't be at work" i answer truthfully as he starts to drive towards the office.

"Why would she pick up her things when you're not home?"

"Because we broke up and she doesn't want to see me" if he didn't drive i'm sure he would turn his head fully my way with his surprised expression.

"Why? I thought you were all 'i'm engaged' and stuff" he says

"I was, not anymore. My brother got me to realise that i may love her but i'm not in love with her anymore"

"Which means?"

"Which means that you were right, about my feelings being torn"

"I'm always right Sloan, get used to it" he says and i can't help but let out a small laugh. "But seriously though, i was right?"

"Yes you were right Derek Morgan, i have feelings for Penelope and they destroyed my relationship"

"To be fair, her feelings towards you destroyed her relationship"

"What a match" i joke but in some ways it's not a joke. Because the feelings we have for each other, that i know we both feel, have ruined the lives we thought we were going to live.

Penelope pov

I come out of my 'bat cave' and are met by you and Morgan. But i'm pretty sure that Hotch said that you'd take two days off. You look so tired and in your face i can see that you've cried.

"Y/n, i thought you were taking two days off? I was planning on making a little basket and that we could watch a movie" i say as i come up to the two of you. You and Morgan exchange a look before you speak.

"I got bored" you answer casually and Morgan looks at you once again. He knows something, something you told him on the way here as i guess you rode together.

"At 8 am on a Tuesday ?" i question and to your luck Hotch comes out of the elevator.

"Y/n? I thought i told you to stay at home" he says with a stern voice and as you look at him he seems to get something.

"I had nothing to do, i just thought i'd hang here... i won't be a bother"

"Sure, Dave is away for his daughter's birthday so you can occupy his office so you don't disturb anyone" and i have no idea of how you can get away with that.

"Thanks" you say just as Emily comes out of the elevator as well. Now that i know i see everything i missed earlier. They arrived together but took two different elevator rides.

"Good, rest can get to work now" Hotch continues to the rest of us and in just a few seconds it's only me and you in the hallway.

"Why are you really here?" i ask you and you look up at me.

"Honestly, i'd rather be anywhere right now than the apartment" i notice how you don't call it 'home' but only 'apartment'. My guess is that the fight that started two weeks ago now is still on.

"Okay, i can come up and join you if you'd like some company" i say with a smile as all i want is for you to smile. I don't even want to see your cheeks so stained from crying that only i seem to notice, or i'm just the only one that doesn't know why.

"No, that's fine, but i'll meet you for lunch though" you answer with a half-smile and all i can do is meet it.

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