The one with the question

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<Two days later>

"It's not being in love that makes me happy. It is the person i am in love with that does"

Penelope pov

"Look, i know you've already got the address and name for me so send it over" Morgan says through the phone and he's right. Even though it took a little longer to get it since i have someone resting over me. Not that it's not a good feeling, but when the phone rang we were tongue deep into a makeup session. So it's a distracting thought.

"I already have sugar" i answer as i've pressed the button that sends over the info on the unsub.

"You are a wonder, woman" he answers as a thank you and i smile. Always happy to help even though it's my job.

"Hey, she didn't do it alone" you say from above my shoulder, where your head is resting for now.

"Sorry, you both are marvellous and i should throw myself on the ground, by your feet" Morgan corrects with a laugh before hanging up, we both let out a laugh as well. It was starting to get late and i can see it in the fact that you let out a yawn. Since i don't have windows in here.

"Move in with me" i let out before i even get a chance to think it through. Not that i need to think it through as you've lived with me for the past month and it's been wonderful. As your head just lays still i can't help but wonder if you're asleep or half asleep.

"I thought i already lived with you?" is the answer that tiredly comes out of your mouth. I feel the air leave my lungs as i had held them in.

"I mean officially... moving in with me. Having an announcement and a party or something like that, just making it official." i'm not even sure of why i want it. I just want to brag to the world that you're mine. Rubb it in their faces. I don't know who 'they' are, but i want to do it.

"Do you want me to move in with you, officially?" you rise so that you can face me. Having a big smile on your lips, still i can only look into your enchanting eyes and see love mirrored back.

"Yes, i want you to move in with me, officially" i answer, smiling just as bright. Your hands cup my face to bring me in closer, nearly to make me fall off my chair.

"Then i will, officially. Whatever you want" and i can see in your eyes that you mean it. "I love you Penelope Garcia"

"I love you too y/n Sloan, now and forever" But just as we're about to close the last two inches between our faces, the phone rings again. I let out a deep sigh and you laugh before leaning forward, pecking the corner of my lip. But also stretching to answer the call.

"Batwoman and Robin in the batcave, how can we help you" you say as an answer, picking up on my weird ways of answering calls on cases. Hotch is so gonna get tired of that, since he is of me doing it. I know he is even though he doesn't say it but i can tell that it's sometimes not an appropriate time. But in bad times i do bring a little laugh to my fine furry friends.

"Wonder Woman over here needs an address of a Philip Geralds" but it's Prentiss who answers with a little laugh even though we hear that it's a hurry on the address. So back to work.

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