The one where there is a new teammate

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Penelope pov

"Hi y/n" i say as you open the door for me to exit the coffee shop. You're wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse, you look really good in blue.

"Good morning Penny" you say with that smile of yours as you meet my gaze.

"Where are you off to in that nice outfit?" i ask, trying to start a conversation even though technically i'm in a hurry to work.

"I'm starting a new job today, so i'm sorry but i don't have time to chit chat today" you say with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, goodluck on your first day"

"Thanks Penny, have a good day" and with that you walk into the coffee shop and i just stand there for another few seconds. Just your smile and the way you call me Penny, very few actually do that, but it makes my stomach feel light.

"Get it together Penelope" i mumble to myself as i get into Kevin's car, reminding myself that i can't think like that about someone else. Also that you have Lena, who's wonderful may i add. It's been almost six months since i first met you, you had started off an easy conversation as to what the best things to order was. But the thing that had caught my attention now that i look back is how much you've changed, like in appearance. Like when i first met you, you were finished with life and now you're all filled with life. It's amazing actually. It was also fun how you supported my hair colour change back to blond even though you loved the ginger.

"Penelope?" Kevin repeated himself as i was stuck in my train of forbidden thoughts.

"Sorry? What?" i pull myself back and into the car as we start to pull up to the office.

"I asked what you and y/n were talking about" he repeats his question and i look out the window instead of at him. Incase i showed any of my thoughts on my face. According to Derek i do that a lot, and it's easy to read me.

"Not much, she's starting a new job today so she was in a hurry"

"We should have coffee with her and Lena again, they were nice" he says and we have had that three times when you've brought her at the same time as i've brought Kevin. Now that i come to think about it, we never exchanged numbers or anything, we just went to the same coffee house almost every morning and sometimes on weekends to just chill. Like destiny putting us together.

We continue out of the car, into the building and then our separate ways. Managing to get into my little cave without meeting anyone. I should ask someone to teach me how to not be so easily readable, or maybe it's just because i spend most of my time around profilers.

Just as i sit down in my new comfortable chair, my phone pings, the oh so not sweet sound of another case. I quickly sync it to the tv in the round-room before making my way out again, texting Hotch in the process. Begin met by Emily hugging a familiar woman in blue.

"So good to see you again, how was you leave?" Emily asks as the two seperate and as i see you i completely forget what i was doing.

"It was boring, i'm so glad to be able to come back in the field" you answer and manage to look my way, making me continue to walk up to the two of you.

"You said you were starting a new job, you never mentioned it was the BAU" i say and i can see Emily can that we know each other.

"Hello to you again Penelope" you say with that smile again and i'm forced to mirror it, giving in and giving you a hug. "I didn't say anything about it just as you didn't mention working here"

"You two know each other?" Emily asks and i thought it was obvious, i don't hug a random stranger.

"We've gone to the same coffee house for about six months now, became friends over the menu" you answer and we both laugh at the fact.

"And you two, how do you know each other?" i ask you and her, but you just seem to give her a look that says something else.

"We both worked together at Interpol on a few cases before i joined the BAU and y/n had... took her break. We also met as teenagers when i lived in New York" i can see how she changes the words she was going to use because of your look on her.

"Garcia?" Hotch calls out from the bullpen as he walks towards us. As he comes up to us he notices you and actually puts on a smile. "Y/n, good to see you again and have you with us"

"You too Aaron" you answer and give each other a light hug. Okay, so you know both Emily and Hotch, and me. That's half the team.

"If you're ready to start today we have a case right about now" he says, glancing towards me and reminding me what i was up to and doing before i saw you. To think that someone can be so distracting.

"I'm more than ready, to be honest i missed the field" you answer and i can't help but admire your smile again.

"Good to hear, but you'll be with Prentiss as the two of you already know each other. As a precaution"

"Sounds good, i've missed her anyway" you answer, joking away that he said as a precaution. A precaution for what? How little do i actually know about you? It's like i only know the private you, like the basic things.

"Garcia, the case. Round-table in five, get everyone there" Hotch says before going back in.

"Why does it have to be a precaution?" i ask before i can think, but what would you hide? We're a part of the same team now, aren't we? I know everyone has their own secrets but if there is need of a precaution, we all need to know it.

"That my lovely Penelope Garcia, is a conversation for another time. Now we got to kick some serial killer ass" you put your arm over my shoulders as you and Emily start walking into the bullpen, pulling me with you. But divert to show you your desk while i go the other way into the round-room.

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