The one with phone talk

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Y/n pov

"Mark Sloan's phone, Arizona Robbins speaking" i hear a woman's voice on the other line. It confuses me for a bit as i'm pretty sure he's still dating Lexie.

"Hi, i'm Y/n Sloan, his sister. May i speak to him"

"He's in surgery right now but i can leave a message" she sounds like a sweetheart.

"Can you just give him the phone, it's work related" i hate having to talk to my own family in work related subjects, but i did take the work on myself.


"While you walk between the lounge and the OR, can i ask a question"

"Sure, why not"

"Who are you and why are you answering Mark's phone?"

"Oh, i'm Callie's wife. I just heard the phone ring and thought i'd answer it, incase it was important and it was"

"You're married to Calliope Torres? Nice to finally meet you... or well kind of" i say with a laugh as i now understand who she is. I've seen a picture from the wedding but never catched a name.

"You too" i hear how the atmosphere on her side changes as she enters the OR. "Sloan, you're sister is on the phone"

"Is it private, work related or family related?" he asks and i hear that he's pissed i've been ignoring him.

"She says it's work related"

"Okay, put her on speaking" and she puts me on speaker. "What can i help you with"

"I was wondering if you, only a few hours, released a patients who just had a skingraft"

"Does this person have a name?"

"Amara Gilbert"

"Yeah, she has a skingraft a few days ago and was released five hours ago" i hear his concentrating breath as i start to walk towards Charlies room. "Is she still alive?"

"Yeah, i just had to check her whereabouts before she got here" there is this awkward silence where i can tell that Arizona and Mark are having a conversation with their eyes. "Thanks Mark, i appreciate the help"

"Of course. If i call you later, will you pick up?"

"I'm in the middle of a case but i'll try, otherwise i'll call you back"

"Good, goodluck"

"You too" and we hung up. Went better than i first thought. I walk into the room where the two are sitting.

"Angel" Charlie exclaims with a smile as he sees me.

"Hi Charlie. Miss Gilbert, could you tell me the name of your doctor" i ask her and she looks at me, like something clicks in her head.

"He has the same last name as you" she looks me up and down, almost like she's judging. "Is he your husband?"

"He's my brother but my fiance is also a doctor." and speaking of the devil, my phone rings. "I'm sorry, i need to take this but i'll be just outside the door if you need anything" and i walk out to stand just outside but with a line of sight into the room.

"Lena, you can't call me when i'm out on a case all the time" i say as it's the third time she calls, just on this case.

"Well i have another reason then just caring for you this time" she says in a tone i can't read. Maybe i sounded a bit too angry.

"Did something happen?"

"No but Lucas called to ask if we were coming to the engagement party"

"What engagement party?"

"That's what i said to, so would you mind checking your mailbox at the office when you get home. That's all i wanted to ask" i can still hear the ice in her voice and i can tell that our relationship is on the rocks here. There's gotta be something i can do to save it, and why is my only argument that it's because i don't want to throw away 13 years of my life.

"Yeah, i'll check it when i get back and i'm sorry, i love it that you call to make sure i'm okay but it's a distraction"

"A good distraction or a bad distraction, because if it's bad then..."

"Lee, it's a good distraction for me but a bad distraction for the job" i see Morgan coming up towards me and that's my cue that i need to hang up. "I'll call you tonight to say goodnight, love you"

"I love you too, goodluck" she answers and we hang up. Morgan is on his way of saying something that's just gonna send my conflicted feelings into a swirl.

"Don't even say it, just tell me what you found please"

Never letting you go (Penelope x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt