The one where we're flying to Seattle

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Y/n pov

"So, our three victims. Who were they?" Aaron asks as he sits down after about ten minutes of being in the air. Penelope has her laptop up to search up any other facts on the victims.

"Our first victim was Claudia Hunt, age 21 and Hispanic. She was a marketing student at Albers School of Business and Economics" Morgan begins as i can't stop looking at Penelope. She hates flying.

"Second victim is Wilda Kaiser, age 38, American and a History professor at Garfield High school. As far the only similarities these victims have is that they somehow enrolled in the school system." Blake continues and i look over the third victim.

"Victim number three from a few hours ago was Freida McDowell, age 16 and an exchange student from Sweden" i say and look at the photo. She almost looks like a girl i once knew... in Norway. I quickly shake that thought out of my head as Rossi begins to talk.

"So our unsub crossed racial lines, the ages are a little over the place and so far only one thing ties them together."

"Garcia, any partners in their lives?" Aaron asks her and it's like she's trying to only look at her screen.

"Claudia and Freida were single while Wilda was married with two kids...." but she stops herself as she sees something. "Wait, Freida was seeing someone, but it had only been going on for a week"

"So when we get there we need to start immediately. Dave and Reid, you head to the ME and then to the second crime scene. Morgan and JJ, head to the first crime scene. Blake and Sloan, you head to the latest crime scene." Aaron splits us up and so the five hours flight starts. Well they were about to start in solitude before Penelope found something else.

"Wait, i might have found something. The common thread between the three victims seems to be that they were all getting burn treatments at the same hospital" oh please let it be another hospital. I don't want to drag them into this.

"Which hospital?" Aaron and Emily ask in unison as they both have a similar line of thoughts. Both that it's people i know and care for.... plus that they know they are together from the engagement party.

"Seattle Grace-Mercy West" Penelope answers and her gaze finally leaves the screen as everyones also follows to look at me.

"Change of plans. Morgan and JJ, head to the hospital and..." Aaron starts again but i interrupt him.

"It's probably best if i go, i am the best way in. And from past experience, they aren't really fond of the police in Seattle" i say even though i didn't have to add the last. Ever since the shooting, they have something against the police for not helping them and letting so many die. Even though it was a strategy, a smart one, it cost a lot.

"You sure?" he asks and i nod, to make him understand that this isn't something stupid. "Fine, you and Blake will go to the hospital. Reid and Morgan go to the newest crime scene. JJ, you head to the latest victim's apartment while Dave, you go to the ME. Me and Garcia will go to the SPD and settle in." he breathes out and some of us repress a yawn. "We have five hours in front of us, it's late so sleep or read up on the case. But when we get there it's imperative that we're awake and alert for whatever may happen."

"If the unsub follows this schedule there may already be a woman out there who's being burned as we speak" i can't stop myself from saying it. I mean, we were all thinking it, i just said it outloud.

"I recommend resting. We're gonna need it" is all that Aaron says to finish the conversation. Morgan gets up to go sit somewhere else, leaving the seat next to Penelope open for me to take. So i sit down, taking her hand from the keyboard where it would start burning if she continues writing, and into my.

"It includes you too Penny" i say, closing her laptop without protests. We had been watching a movie on the couch, half asleep when we got the call. So it's not a surprise when she lets out a yawn and lets her head fall down onto my shoulder.

"Y/n, before we get there it would be great if you called Mark ahead, mention some things" Aaron says to me from his side of the table, Emily at his side looking at me as well. We all know what he's talking about so i just answer with a smile.

"I'll do that now, to make sure that he can't tell the others" and even while being half asleep Penelope registered the whole conversation. But she already knows, and is showing them that she actually can keep a secret.

"Tell him i said hi" she says as i get up, heading up to make the call at the end of the plane. Where i can also get something to drink... but i'm smart and chose water and a gingerbread that's left from Christmas as i fish up my phone to dial his number.

"Mark Sloan's phone, this is Arizona speaking" Arizona Robbins answers his phone. Second time this had happened when i've called him on a case.

"Hi Arizona, it's y/n"

"I'm getting a little deja vu here" she says with a laugh.

"Me too actually, where's Mark" i ask as it's him i want to talk to, obv.

"He's in surgery, should be out in a few hours. Only difference this time is that i can't give him the phone, can i leave a message or give the phone to someone else?" she answers, only adding to the deja vu of this situation. "Unless it's a case again, then maybe i can go in"

"No, that's okay, there's no rush. Me and my team are flying to Seattle on a case and we need his help."

"Oh my god, is this about these women getting burned in those old warehouses?"

"Yes, and they were all patients at Seattle Grace-Mercy West for burns. Do you happen to know who their doctor was?"

"I do, but you're not going to like the answer" and her words are answer enough.

"Okay, thanks Arizona. Please tell him i'm coming to the hospital and inform Chief Webber of that as well"

"I will, it'll be good to see you again... even under the circumstances" and we hang up. I take my water and cookie with me back to my seat. Only for Penelope's head to fall right back onto my shoulder as soon as i sit back down.

"Arizona says hi" i say to her and she smiles before i turn to Aaron and Emily. "She answered his cell, he's in surgery and i couldn't say it to her. But i told her that we're coming and i'll talk to Mark about that when i get there. Blake will talk to Chief Webber while i talk to Mark"

"Maybe this isn't a good idea, you shouldn't' even be involved in this case now that your brother is involved in it" Emily says and i breathe out a deep breath.

"That's exactly why i need to be in it, to make sure he stays on the sideline of being involved. It won't cause me to do any rash decisions or do anything stupid, i promise you that. Since when do i let personal go over professional?"

"Since you started dating her" Emily answers with a smile and a nod towards the sleeping Penelope Garcia on my shoulder. I let out a little laugh, cause it's true.

"I promise, it'll be okay. And no one will find out" the last part i whisper so that only the four of us can hear it.

"I belong to the people i love, and they belong to me -- they, and the love and loyalty i give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could."    Veronica Roth

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