Chapter Fifty (Part two)

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"The court calls on Attorney Willow to give her statement", the court clerk says

Attorney Willow stands up, confidence plastered over her face, and with graceful steps moves in front of the courtroom.

She gazes at the judge before facing the crowd.p

The defendant who goes by the name of Riz Letterman is charged with sexual assault, threatening behavior, and child pornography

The judge hits his gavel and the once arising murmurs cease.

"And now I call Carson King to the stand". I watch, squirming on my seat as Carson walks to the stand shown to him by the bailiff. After swearing the oath, Attorney Willow proceeds.

"Mr. Carson, on the twenty-first of February, you walked into a station and filed a complaint against yourself. Am I right?"

Carson nods with his head bowed.

"Can you speak up, Mr. Carson?"

"Yes, I reported myself to the police", he speaks in a grave tone.

He lifts his head for the first time and his gaze meets mine. I expect to be filled with fear or even spite but I only feel pity.
Dark rings form under his eyes, his hair looks disheveled and tiredness spells on his face. He blinks and transfers his gaze to  Willow.

"Mr. Carson, are you okay?", she asks, concern evident in her tone.


She nods before continuing.

"Did you tell the police you had sent pictures to the suspect a year and a half ago?"

"Yes, I did"

"And can you clarify?"

"Objection, go straight to the point, Attorney Willow"

My head snaps in the direction of the voice and Mr. Riz's lawyer stands up quickly.

"Overruled, continue", the judge says.

She turns to Carson again.
"Can you go into details?"

Carson nods.
"On the twenty-first of February, I walked into a police station and told the police on duty that I wanted to report myself. When asked on the basis, I told him I had sent my ex–girlfriend's nudes to a teacher"

Bile rises in my throat and I have to close my eyes tightly to prevent myself from throwing up.

"And who is your ex-girlfriend?"


"You also mentioned the suspect threatened to fail you if you refused to send the nudes. Is that right?"

"Yes, it is"

"Thank you. That will be all, your honor"

Attorney Willow takes her seat beside me and Mr. Riz's lawyer takes the stand. He moves to Carson with a smug look on his face.

"Mr. Carson, you claim that Mr. Riz asked for nudes from you but when asked that you provide them, you couldn't. Why is that?"

"I – I", Carson stutters, and sweat glides down my back.
"I deleted them after I sent them. I couldn't stand the guilt"

He nods but his look is far from understanding.

"You also claim he asked for nudes in exchange for good grades but according to your school records, your grades are still not top notch. Are you sure you didn't do  this only to frame Mr. Riz for refusing to give you an easy pass?"

Carson looks speechless
"I – I"



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