Chapter Thirteen

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When I wake Brandon up the next morning, he refuses to wake up but a wake-up call from my plastic toy horn does the job. I knew it would come in handy one day
I went to  my new spot before going to school, I needed a little bit of fresh air to refresh me and a little bit of energy to go throughout the day without breaking down

She is all the way there in New York whilst I am here.
I wanted to come up with an excuse to give mum so I could stay home but what was the point in moving here to start fresh if I continued living in the past

Why can't you get it in your skull that you can never get rid of the past, that voice asserts. You are going to suffer from it
Telling yourself that and believing that are two different things

No way, no fucking way am I going to entertain that voice, I close my eyes and take a deep breath

"You keep on shaking your head and muttering to yourself, I'm gonna think you're insane." I jump back startled by the voice

Blaze raises an eyebrow at me
"I already think you're a weird person"

"We need weird people once in a while, so I am playing a role in the world"

"Yep weird", he mutters under his breath

"What do you want?", I ask moving from my slanted position by the locker. It was lunchtime so no one was in the hallway
As I said, I had lost an appetite for food so standing by my locker like a loner was the best choice at doing something

"Can I speak to you about something?"

"Well, you are already speaking so why not".I try to sound casual but I am curious to know what Blaze has to say

Every conversation we've ever had has led to an argument and I have no energy for one

" I thought about everything you said and you were right. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I shouldn't have judged you and acted like I knew you when I didn't and I shouldn't have been an ass to you so I am sorry"

Ok...I wasn't expecting that from him

"I agree you behaved like an ass but since you are not in denial; apology accepted"

"Is that  it, he asks looking surprised
No whining about how bad I hurt your feelings and how only a date with me can make you accept my apology"

First of all, get over yourself. I do not want a date with you and secondly, I figure  it hurt your bad boy ego to apologize and say I am right so I spared you the trouble"

"You are the one being judgy right now", he replies

No, I'm not

Yes you are, I honestly came here to apologize and I'm not embarrassed to say you were right

Sure, I believe you

You are so annoying, he groans

That statement doesn't bother me because I know I'm annoying; I am not in denial like you

He is just about to reply when I see Brittany walking towards us
She wraps her arms around Blaze and turns to glare at me
Time for me to make my exit

"Who are you?", she demands.

I am in no mood for petty quarrels. I have a lot of things on my mind and picking a quarrel with the most popular girl in school isn't one of them.

"Brittany, Blaze says to her
Stop it, go back to the cafeteria. I'll come back soon"

"Not until you tell me who she is to you"

"See you later", I say to Blaze
"Or not", I add after an afterthought
Speaking to jealous girlfriends is not on my schedule today

I start walking when behind me, I hear Brittany yell

"I asked you a question, who the hell are you?"

"Ignore her, ignore her", I mutter to myself

"Are you deaf or something", she continues

This was the last straw, I turn around to see her glaring at me

"Shut up, just shut up
Listen around, you are the only one making noise with your screeching voice and I hate noise so will you please shut up
If you pay attention, you can tell when people aren't interested in answering questions you ask, I have somewhere to be"

"How dare you, she continues shouting. How dare you talk to me like that"

Well, I had had enough. I know I am going to regret this later but for now, I don't care

People like her are the type that expect you to keep quiet while they take advantage of you but hate it when you do the same to them.


A/N: Feedback is appreciated
Till the next chapter

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