Chapter Ten

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I hate everything awkward; awkward conversations, awkward questions, and awkward car rides
The five of us are in Luca's car and no one has spoken a word
Addison is in the front seat with Lucas whilst Blaze, Ellie, and I are behind

I heart pounds against my chest and I feel uncomfortable
I am not claustrophobic but it feels as if the car is closing up on me

"Breath", my conscience keeps repeating.
I just want to crawl in a hole and die

I close my eyes and lean my head against the window
Earlier at the house,when we had decided to go for ice cream, Blaze opted out but a stern look from Addison made him scowl and minutes later,he got seated in the car

I feel a tap on me and open my eyes to see Ellie looking at me

"Why is your hand shaking Belle?.Are you sick?"

I notice my hand trembling and give her a smile which probably looks like a grimace

"It's nothing Ellie, don't  worry about me"

I find Blaze's gaze move to my hand and I move it away.I ignore him and turn my head towards the windows

A few minutes later, Lucas' car stops at the side of an ice cream shop.

The ice cream shop is a simple building with glass windows and doors. On top of the building is a big fake ice cream model and in front of the building Joe's Ice cream shop is written on it

Entering the shop,the inner part of the ice cream shop has a homey vibe to it, and the smell that accompanies it is stress-relieving; ice cream does that to you
Booths align the left side of the shop and couches and sofas are situated at the right side of the window with chairs and tables in the middle of the shop

There are donuts, pies, and cupcakes behind the counter, and my mouth waters at the sight
The four of them are already at the counter ordering their ice creams

I go up to the counter when Addison asks Blaze which flavor he wants
Blaze stares at her with a blank look and she sighs

"I'm still baffled on why you don't like ice cream Blaze"

So Mr. Popular doesn't eat ice cream.

I can just imagine Layla's joy having this piece of information

"What flavor do you want", Addison asks turning to me

"Cookie dough", I reply
Prove me wrong but cookie dough is the best ice cream flavor

Addison wanted to pay for me but I ended up paying for myself after much persuasion
I didn't like people paying for stuff for me and there was that reminder of trust no one embedded in me

We all pile up on a couch and we listen to
Ellie laugh at every statement Lucas makes.

I tell Addison I'll be right back and ask one of the staff for the direction of the washroom

Coming out of the washroom, Lucas and  Addison are no longer on the table and I dread going back to sit with Blaze

"You leave Ellie alone a lot", my conscience states

"And you are always too right for your own good", I reply back

When I approach the table,I see Blaze wiping ice cream from Ellie's lips
She gives him a smile which earns a pained expression on Blaze's face and he stops, drops the tissue on the table and picks out his phone from his pocket

Ellie whimpers and I get defensive

"Can't you see what you did hurt her?"

"How's that any of your business?"

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