Chapter Thirty-eight

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The new year had come and gone. People had promised fresh beginnings, written new year's resolutions, and sworn to abide by them. Mum had sat Brandon and me down and told us to let out whatever was bothering us and later went on to take about the true importance of New Year and how it could change our perspective in thinking.
I tried to take in what she said but I couldn't. A new year holds change and I don't do well with change.

I roll my eyes at the object on my bedside table when it starts ringing irritated that school was reopening today. I wish I can stay in bed all day and do nothing. My damp sheets from crying all night beg at me to stay and my limbs are ever ready to agree.
Before I can comprehend, sobs rack out of me and I delve into the covers feeling more useless.

"Lexi, I need you to drive me to school...", Brandon's words falter when he sees me.
"Um, are you okay?"

I turn away from him wiping my eyes discreetly.

"I'm fine, what do you want?", I wince when my voice cracks at the end.

"Why are you crying?"

"I am not"

"Forget it, I'm telling Mum"

I sit up with a jolt narrowing my eyes at him.

"Don't you dare"

He sends me a fixed look, his lips thinning, and turns his back to me.

"Wait...please", he turns to me giving me a contemplated look.

"Look, things are going on right now and I promise I will tell mum-soon"

He has a worried look on his face when he mutters, "Promise?"

"I promise. Now, what did you barge into my room for?"

"There were some problems with the school bus, it can't pick me up today so I was wondering if you could drive me"

"I won't wait for you to finish when I'm done so be fast"


I yell, holding the towel wrapped around me firmly and fix a deadly glare on Brandon
"What are you doing here?"

"I showered, had breakfast, and still had to wait for you. Were you giving birth in there?"

"Shut up"

My eyes dart to the object in his hand and I stomp toward him, snatching the charm bracelet from his hands.
"Stop touching my stuff"

"Jeez, calm down. I was just looking at it"

"Well, stop"

There's a curious look on Brandon's face


"It hasn't always been there, has it?"

"What do you mean?"

"The key charm on the bracelet, you added it later, right?

"Huh?", I ask staring at the bracelet
"It looks the same as it always is"

I look closely and my eyes widen when the realization dawns on me.

How hadn't I noticed this? The charm bracelet was always on my wrist and I hadn't realized that the rest of the charms are professionally joined to the bracelet but the key has a small, metal ring loop attached to it crookedly.

"You look like a dead fish caught by surprise and trust me, it's not a good look on you"

The memory that fleets into my mind dispels any feeling of Brandon's insult.

Fading Away ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن