Chapter Thirty-one

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I stir, slowly opening my eyes and blinking them shut again. I run a hand through my face and slowly open my eyes back again.

"Close the windows", I whine

I slowly drag my body against my headboard, stretching my arms above me

I look towards my bedside table and large, red, bold numbers reading eight display on my alarm clock


School starts at eight. I am definitely going to get an earful and detention from Mr. Holland–again

My fingers twiddle my bracelet as last night's memories resurface and with it so does fear

The voice admonishes me for telling Blaze and questions upon questions weigh me down

"Is he going to treat me with pity because of last night?"

"Did the kiss mean anything to him?"

"Did it mean anything to me?"

I can't deny our kiss overwhelmed me–it left me wanting me and that scares me

I let out a yawn as I reluctantly drag my exhausted body out of bed

Blaze walked me back home in silence after the kiss during the early hours of dawn. He gave me a warm hug at my doorstep, placed a kiss on my forehead, and gave my hand a final squeeze before walking away

Laughter bubbles out of my throat as I stretch out my limbs

I had no nightmares

Yes, I slept at dawn but I didn't wake up screaming, I didn't wake up thrashing around and I didn't wake up with tears streaming down my face because the only thing I could see was her face staring at me with disgust

I shut all the voices beginning to drift into my head with questions I cannot answer

I take my shower and dig into my closet for leggings and a sweatshirt. I come across a hoodie which sparks up a flashback of her in it

"She barges into my room with that air of confidence in her

"I'm here", she sings in a cheery voice flapping her hands around

I groan, yanking my duvet over my head

"Lexi, get your ass moving. I am not leaving you to mope around in your pajamas. You're way better than that snob they chose as student body president"

"Leave me alone"

"Yeah...unfortunately for you, that's not gonna happen"

She yanks the duvet off my face

"You look like you got into a fight with a bear and he won. When was the last time you took a shower?"


She gives me a blank look

"Friday?, I don't know; just leave me to suffer in rejection"

She lifts her head to the ceiling
"Knock some sense into my friend, God"

She takes out a plastic wrap from the duffel bag in her hand and pulls out a red hoodie with the New York Supremest logo on it in black and white and sends me a smirk

"Nooo", I shake my head
"No way, I'm not going"

"Well, too bad because I already have the tickets and they are not going to waste"

"How is going to your favorite ice hockey team's game going to make me feel better"

She sends me a smug smile

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