Chapter Nineteen

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Blaze's POV

I smash my lips to hers roughly but before I can force her lips to respond against mine, she pushes me back

"Bla-ze!", she stutters

Her voice sounds distinctly familiar.
I need another drink because if  her voice is familiar then I'm not drunk enough.
I need to get shit-faced drunk

I stagger my way to the door and I feel her tugging my shirt

" Blaze, where do you think you're going."

"Shut up, I just want a drink"

She groans and goes to stand in front of the door blocking my path

"Why did she cheat on me?", I ask the girl in front of me

" Blaze, I don't know the answer to that but getting more drunk isn't going to give you answers. Just go to bed then tomorrow you can figure it out and probably forget this kiss happened

"I'm not going to bed because you said so, I'm only going because I want to", I slur

" Even when drunk, you're still arrogant", I hear her murmur

I collapse on the bed and soon I fall asleep with the image of the douchebag humping on her

Fuck, why does my head feel like a ton of bricks was dropped on it and my nose—it hurts like hell

I open my eyes and immediately close them shut.The curtains are strewn open and the blinding lights from the window are making my migraine worse
What the fuck happened yesterday?

I try to remember what happened yesterday and immediately I get pissed. The mucky smell on me is making my migraine stronger. I drag myself from the bed and walk out of the room. The familiar hallway makes me know where I am.

I trudge downstairs to Addison's kitchen. The whole house looks clean, a different atmosphere from yesterday. Lucas is at the end of the counter trying to catch pancakes that Addison tosses into his mouth

"How's your head dude?", Lucas asks noticing me

" Like shit"

Addison hands me aspirin and a glass of water and I take it with one gulp.
"What happened yesterday?"

"Don't you remember what happened", Addidon asks

" I do but what happened after the fight"

"Yeah, well after you punched the daylights out of Lucas, I sent you upstairs, Lexi asked to stay with you and the party got cancelled"

"Oh yeah and, also in the middle of the night, you stood up to puke but ended up throwing up on yourself and Lex had to drag you to the bathroom. That's why you smell like crap"

"Lexi!". I bolt up from my seat

"Yes, she was there with you after the fight"

Last nights events comes to mind and it was her voice.

Fuck,I kissed Lexi

After that almost-kiss at my house, I passed it off as nothing and I had to complicate everything by kissing her

"Blaze", Addison says
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, just remembered something. I can't believe Belle had to take care of my drunken self"

"Yep, she cleaned the best she could off of you before coming to call us"

"Dude, I'm sorry for getting your party cancelled and for all the mess you had to fix;both of you had to fix"

Fading Away ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora