Chapter Twenty-nine

87 14 16

Alexa's POV

I blink my eyes many times to clear the spots appearing in my vision at the light streaming from the open window

It takes me seconds to realize where I am and I let out a yawn searching around the room. The space on my right is empty, the couch empty and Blaze is not here. Stretching my arms out, I drag myself to an upright position to take a glimpse at the clock on the bedside table, the alarm clock displaying eight


Mum would have been back from the hospital by now. Mum, Brandon, and I spend less time together now. Mum says the rate at which emergencies pop into the hospital these days is high and since there is a limited number of ER nurses, she is needed a lot of times. She always comes home looking exhausted every Saturday night so we no longer have our movie mornings, she sleeps through the morning

I know Mum loves her job, she once told me she put her whole heart into treating patients after Dad's death. She felt it was something she had to do for dad. In her own way; telling him she would make him proud by treating the sick who needed her services
If she couldn't save Dad, she would do her utmost best to save other's lives.

Today is Mum's official off day; no emergencies, no calls—no distractions.
Just the three of us spending time together

And I need it

I hurry out of the bed, my hair in who– knows–what, and walk out of the room. I didn't think of meeting Seth or Ellie in baggy sweats until I walked down the stairs. I contemplated going back to Blaze's room but time was running late, I had to face forward.

Giggles welcome me as I step into the kitchen and Ellie turns to me, her eyes grow wide as she tries to climb down the stool. I advance closer to her and she hurls herself at me. I stagger backward a little until I find my composure and wrap my arms around her. She glances back at Blaze and sends him an accusing glare

"You didn't tell me Belle was coming"

"Surprise!", he says sending a wink to her

The first thing I notice is Blaze's hair. His hair looks messy; a beautiful kind of messy. The light from the kitchen window gives his green eyes that kind of light on a leaf that shines in a forest after a heavy downpour or maybe it's just me fantasizing about him in my head but he looks hot
His lips turn into a smirk and with a wink, he gestures to his abs. He chuckles when I mouth corky and turns back to the stove, grabbing a spatula from the rack

I turn back to Ellie who I  now realize is rambling on about something

"Ellie, finish your food. Wilsa will be coming soon", Blaze cuts her off

"I can't wait", she says as I place her back on the stool

"Wilsa is taking me to a carnival. I can't wait to ride a carousel, the toy cars, the—"

The doorbell cuts her off and she jumps down from the stool, straightens herself up, and runs out of the kitchen

"Ellie, do not open the door!', he yells

Giggles follow after and he groans, running out of the kitchen after Ellie

Half an hour later, Ellie leaves with Wilsa but not before he tells her about how I moaned over her soup and me blushing with embarrassment

Wilsa offered to prepare some of the soups for me to which I declined which led to her persistence and to me agreeing that Blaze was going to  bring me some of it whenever she prepared it.

"I didn't know you can cook", I say as Blaze pushes a plate with pancakes towards me

"I have hidden talents you don't know"

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