Chapter Thirty (Part one)

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I shut the door behind me panting for breath. I hurry to the kitchen straight towards the refrigerator. I take out a bottle of water and gulp down the whole bottle of water rapidly trying to catch my breath


I turn around quickly to see Brandon on a stool,a spoon in hand

"Why do you look like you just escaped from the zoo?"

"You're not funny, Brandon"

"I'm being serious, I thought Blaze was going to drop you off—did he do something?", a sudden urgency in his voice

"Brandon, don't worry about it"

"Don't worry about it, I'm okay, he mimicks me
These days, you say that a lot and you're always in your room. When we were in New York, we used to go out a lot, you used to tell me everything until she happened"

"Now, we hardly speak to each other or even argue with each other
I meant what I said the last time when you fainted. I don't want to lose my sister, I know something's bothering you

Even if you think you can't tell me because I'm too young to understand, Mum will understand. Talk to her, please, his tone vulnerable

"Mum just came back, she's upstairs. The plans are set. I'm choosing the movie, mum's making popcorn and a surprise dish, we just need you to be there. Think you can do that?", he asks and picks up his bowl into the dishwasher avoiding my gaze, he walks out of the kitchen not waiting for a reply

I numbly walk up the stairs, I don't think I could have even come up with an answer if he wanted one

He's right and that's what hurts me the most

I know I keep pushing everybody away, Mum and Brandon included and I'm telling myself, it's better than worry but I also know, I'm hurting them because even though I don't want them to, they worry, care and love me

Love, a feeling that can both mend and destroy

The moment I step into my room; I crumble. Waking up at Blaze's, realizing I got drunk, accepting those strange feelings was me falling for Blaze, finding the bracelet there, almost getting hit by a car, and just recently, Brandon's words—just break me

I fall face down on my bed, exhaustion crawling through every inch of my body, I silently cry. Different feelings in me but the major one right now is confusion

Who am I and what am I doing?


"And a dash of cheese and voila, la comida està liata, darlings"

Mum turns to us

"Are you ready?"

"Of course", Brandon groans

"Are you sure?", Mum prods, a mischievous look on her face

"Chimichangas", Blaze yells


"Chimichangas", we both start chanting

The kitchen is filled with our chants and mum waves her hand signaling us to stop

She picks up two plates and faces us, placing a plate in front of me and the other for Brandon

I stare at the golden brown burrito which Mum said she deep fried. Honestly,I never knew a burrito could be deep-fried and it had its name. This was my first time eating a chimichangas

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