Chapter 26: Forgive Me, My Love

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Angst(?) Chapter-

But this Time?

It ain't just Teruya Otori Angst-

Rather, it's Teruya Otori and Yamato Kisaragi Angst-

There will be YamaRuya Fluff though-

SomeOne Need's to be there for the Bean-

And what Kind of BoyFriend would Teruya be if he didn't Comfort his BoyFriend?

Also, there is Mention of R***

I Suggest you Turn Back or Not Read this Chapter if you're UnComfortable with this

If you Wish to Continue then Proceed with Caution

However, if you ever had Any Experience's with R*** then Leave this Chapter immediately

I do Not Want to Make AnyOne Feel UnComfortable or have a Mental BreakDown/Panick Attack if They're UnComfortable with R*** or has Experienced R***

Anyway's, Enjoy!


Yamato has been Acting Off Lately.

EveryOne has Noticed Yamato's Strange Behavior.

Most of the Day, Yamato would Try to Lock HimSelf in his Dorm Most of the Day.

Whenever his ClassMate's would Try to Check Up on him, They could Only Hear the Sound's of Yamato's Sob's.

And when Yamato wasn't in his Room, he would Look Exhausted, as if he hadn't Slept at All and his Eye's were Puffy along with his Eye's Being Red as if he had been Crying

It was Making EveryOne Worried, including the Teacher's ThemSelves as Yamato was Normally a Bright and CheerFul Student.

Hell, even Rei along with Tsurugi and Syobai were Worried about Yamato.

But Out of EveryOne Else, Teruya was the Most Worried Out of them All.

He didn't Know why his BoyFriend was Acting this Way in the First Place and it Made him Feel Worried due to the Fact that he was Scared that he had Done Something Wrong.

So, Teruya had Decided to Check Up on his BoyFriend who was Locked inside of his Dorm once Again for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All.

Teruya was Nervous when he had Approached the Door but he Knew that he had to do Something about his BoyFriend's Strange Behavior.

Before Teruya could even Knock on the Door, the Door had Slammed Open and he was Grabbed by the Wrist then Pulled into the Dorm.

Next Thing that Teruya Knew was that he was on the Floor with Yamato Hugging him along with Yamato Crying on his Shoulder.

" Yamato............? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Yamato had just Continued Sobbing.

" I-I'm Sorry! I didn't Mean too! P-Please, Forgive me! "

Yamato had said Panicking yet Nervously as Teruya was just Confused on what Yamato had Meant but he had just Wrapped his Arm's Around Yamato in Order to Calm him Down.

" Yamato, what do you Mean? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently as Yamato had just Stumbled Out the Word's.

" P-Please! Don't Hate me! "

Yamato had said Panicking yet Nervously as Teruya had just Used One of his Hand's to Cup Yamato's Face along with Forcing Yamato to Look at him.

" Why are you Apologizing, Yamato? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Yamato's Eye's had immediately Simply Averted from Teruya's Emerald Eye's.

" I-I...........I Forced you, didn't I? I Remember your Plea's, your Desperate Cry's, and you Desperately Begging me to Stop. I-I Hurt you, Otori. "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Disappointment as Teruya's Eye's had just Suddenly Widened in Response.

How, how did Yamato Find Out?

Did Yamato Remember the TimeLine's?

Is this why Yamato had Locked HimSelf in his Dorm Lately?

Because he had Remembered the TimeLine's?

Suddenly, Teruya had Connected his Lip's with Yamato's as Yamato had Jolted in Shock.

Teruya had immediately Parted for Air as he had Started Wiping Away Yamato's Tear's.

" Yamato, Listen to me. It wasn't your Fault. She Manipulated you into Doing what she Want's. She was the One who Forced you to do that to me, Not you. You and I Both Know that I could Never Hate you for Something that you were Forced to do. "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently as he had just Simply Smiled at Yamato in Response.

Suddenly, Yamato had just Started Giggling in Response to Teruya's Word's.

" Thank you a Lot, Otori! I Love you! "

Yamato had said Excitedly and CheerFully as Teruya had just Simply Chuckled in Response before Wrapping his Now Free Hand Around Yamato while Yamato had just Wrapped his Arm's Around Teruya.


I've Completed this Chapter!

Now, I'm Going to Get Some Sleep!

Because it's 4:31 AM where I'm at-

Anyway's, See ya in the Next Chapter!

( 764 Word's )

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