Chapter 1: The Discussion Of The GC

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Before we Start, I Want to Say that this Book was Inspired by TogoTodorkroki and He/She/They or whatever Pronoun's They Use have Given me Permission to Make this Book.

Anyway's, Enjoy!


Kanade had Lied Down after a Long Day of School which was Borning Like usual along with the Fact that she was Writing a New Song for her and her Twin Sister to Practice or Play.

She had just Taken a Break from Writing the New Song and was Currently Lying Down on her Bed.

Her Sister, Hibiki, was Currently Hanging Out with Setsuka so she couldn't Ask her Sister to HangOut with her at All for Today at the Very Least.

So, Kanade had No Idea what she was Going to do for the Rest of Today.

She was Debating on whether to Prank SomeOne or Not.

Maybe she could just Stay inside for the Rest of the Day?

No, Kinjo would Make her Leave the Dorm.

Suddenly, Kanade had Felt her Phone Chime All of a Sudden for Some Odd Reason that she didn't Know at All.

Kanade had Took Out her Phone and Noticed that she was in a GroupChat for Some Odd Reason that she didn't Know at All.


Amazing Admin's GC
6:30 PM

Kanata: Hello EveryOne!

Kanade: Uh- Hi?

Nikei: Jsidujejeoka-

Yuki: Nikei? You Good?

Nikei: I'm Fine, Just Tired

Kanade: Go and Get Some Sleep Please

Nikei: Fuck No!

Kanade: Why Not?

Nikei: Sleep is for the Weak!

Yuki: I'm Concerned-

Kanata: Don't be, it's Normal!

Nikei: Anyways's, I Wanna Know who the actual Fuck Created this GroupChat?

Kanata: That would be me!

Kanade: Why did you Create this GroupChat Kanata?

Kanata: Because I Want to? Duh!

Yuki: SomeOne is Sassy Today

Kanata: No Shit Maeda

Kanade: Well then, I Must Say that I wasn't Expecting this

Yuki: " Amazing Admin's "?

Nikei: Why is the GroupChat Named Like that?

Kanata: Because us Five will be Creating a GroupChat where Both Classes can Talk to EachOther!

Kanade: Five?

Teruya: Hello!


Teruya: Is he Alright?-

Nikei: He'll be Fine.

Teruya: If you Say so

Kanata: Anyways's, Let's Discuss on how to Create the GC!

Nikei: Well, the First Thing should be is to Make the Admin's Role Only for us Five

Yuki: You are Correct about that One Nikei

Teruya: Not Wrong

Kanade: Maybe we can Make Emergency Code's incase we're in Trouble?

Kanata: Emergency Code's will Definitely be Useful!

Yuki: Code Blue should be for Any of us Getting Sick or SomeOne Else is Sick

Nikei: Then Code Yellow should be for when One of us or SomeOne is Injured!

Teruya: You Two are Great with Code's!

Kanata: I have to Agree with Teruya on this One!

Kanade: Code Red should be for when One of us are Getting Attacked or SomeOne is Being Attacked!

Nikei: Not Bad!

Teruya: Code Orange could be for One of us Needing to Get Out of a Bad or Sticky Situation?

Yuki: That'll Work!

Kanata: Then Code Purple should be for when Any of us are in Danger or SomeOne is in Danger!

Kanade: We're Definitely Using that One

Teruya: Code Black for Death?





Teruya: What?

Kanade: I Guess we can Use that..........

Nikei: Then Code Green for when we Need to Hide immediately?

Kanade: It'll Work!

Yuki: I Think that's All of the Code's!

Teruya: Alright!

Kanata: I'll Create the GC Tomorrow then!

Nikei: Well then, I'm Going Offline

Kanade: So will I

Yuki: I'm Going to Bed!

Teruya: I'll also be Going to Bed Like Maeda!

Kanata: GoodNight EveryOne!

EveryOne is Offline


Kanade had Turned Off her Phone as she had Placed her Phone onto her NightStand.

She had Looked at the Clock Only for her to Realize that it was 8:00 PM Somehow.

Kanade had Gotten Off her Bed and Changed into her Pajama's before Lying Back Down on her Bed.

She had Shut her Eye's and Allowed Sleep to Consume her.

( 671 Word's )

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