Intermission 1: Zhizn' Atau Sāvu

143 7 16

I just Translated Word's into Different Language's-

I did Translate Life from English to Russian-

I'm Letting All of you Know incase AnyOne Get's Triggered from the Russian/Ukrainian War-

Zhizn' Mean's "Life" in Russian

Atau Mean's "Or" in Indonesian

Sāvu Mean's "Death" in Kannada ( Canadian Language )

Zhizn' has a Nice Ring to it for Some Reason-


Combined Classes GC
7:01 PM

Nikei is Now Online

Nikei: Hey, has AnyOne Heard about that Vigilante Group Lately?

EveryOne is Now Online

Sora: A Vigilante Group?!

Kizuna: Since when was there a Vigilante Group?!

Nikei: That doesn't Matter, has AnyOne Heard Anything about them?

Yuki: I'm Not Sure, I Only Learned about the Vigilante Group a Few Week's Ago-

Yamato: So, this Vigilante Group has been in this City for a Few Week's Already?!

Tsurugi: Not Quite, Kisaragi

Hibiki: Kinjo?! Did you Know about this Vigilante Group?!

Tsurugi: For the Past 2 Year's Now but Yeah

Kanade: TWO YEAR'S?!

Utsuro: Why didn't you Tell us this?!

Tsurugi: They've been on the New's before, Practically the Whole City Know's about them-

Tsurugi: How did No One Notice them?-

Setsuka: We do Not Know

Nikei: Damn, Yuki and I were the Only One's who've Noticed this Vigilante Group-

Syobai: Shut the Hell Up

Akane: Hey, Kinjo?

Tsurugi: Yes?

Akane: What's this Vigilante Group Called?

Tsurugi: The Vigilante Group is Called," Zhizn' Atau Sāvu. "

Hajime: What Kind of Name is that?-

Tsurugi: Apparently, the Name has a Meaning

Mikako: A Meaning?

Tsurugi: Yes

Utsuro: Mind Explaining?

Tsurugi: Well, Zhizn' Mean's "Life" in Russian

Tsurugi: Atau Mean's "Or" in Indonesian

Tsurugi: And Sāvu Mean's "Death" in the Canadian Language

Kiyoka: So, the Name Translated is "Life Or Death?"

Tsurugi: Correct

Teruya: What the Fuck-

Kanata: Otori? What's Wrong?

Teruya: I Saw One of them Fucking Flying in the Air Last Night-

Nikei: What?!

Teruya: I Only Saw them because of the Moon but it was Definitely a Person for Sure-

Rei: Wait a Minute-

Rei: How the Fuck did They Not Die?!

Utsuro: They Must've had Some Sort of Equipment Built for Flying-

Utsuro: No Normal Person can just Fly through the Fucking Air Like that-

Tsurugi: Where were you when you Saw them, Otori?

Teruya: Uh- I Think it was Somewhere on the West Side of the City?-

Kinji: You were on the West Side of the City?!

Teruya: Yes-

Emma: How did you Leave the Dorm's though?!

Teruya: I have My Way's~

Teruya: Alright, I'm Out-

Teruya is Offline

Ayame: Well, that was...........Interesting-

Kokoro: We should Probably just Go Offline for the Time Being

Rei: Definitely

Mikado: See ya~!

Nikei: Fuck you too-

EveryOne is Offline


Ayo- Dipsy's Sus-

Anyway's, I Hope you Enjoyed!

( 456 Word's )

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