Chapter 16: Day 2 Of The Dare

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Day 2 of the Dare!

Another Day of the Dare, Another Day that Teruya Suffer's-

F in the Comment's for Teruya-


Teruya's Magenta Flower's in his Hair along with his Magenta Earring's didn't Go Unnoticed by AnyOne at All.

Some People didn't Say Anything at All about it while Other's would Constantly Ask him about it Non-Stop and he's been Frustrated due to the Dare.

He was Frustrated at the Fact that he was Going through with this Dare All because of Mikado.

Oh Well, he doesn't have Any Choice but to Go through with this Stupid Dare of Mikado's.

After All, it wouldn't be that Difficult, Right?

Well, he was so Wrong.

Teruya had Thought that it would be Very Easy to Get this Dare Done and Over with.

However, Everything was Completely Ruined when Mikado had Told him that he would have to Wear a ( Mostly ) Pink Dress for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All.

If AnyOne had Found Out that he was Wearing a Dress, They would Make Fun of him for Sure.

Currently, Teruya was in his Dorm Room while Lying on his Bed in the BedRoom Part of his Dorm Room due to the Fact that he had No Idea what to do and he Certainly wasn't Going to Leave his Dorm Room because he would End Up having a Risk of People Knowing that he was Wearing a Dress.

" I Hate you so Much Mikado! "

Teruya had Yelled Out Frustrated and Annoyed as he Shoved his Face into his Pillow in Order to Muffle his Scream's so that No One would Hear him at All.

Even though the Dorm Room's were SoundProof, he didn't Want to Risk it at All.

However, Teruya did Wonder how They would React?

Would They do what They did Last Time?

Teruya Never Knew why They Acted Like that.

Honestly, he didn't Know at All AnyMore.

One Thing's for Sure is that Teruya is Going to Beat the Shit Out of Mikado after this Dare is Done and Over with once a Week Passes.

He couldn't Let AnyBody See him in a Dress, he would Die of Embarrassment.

Teruya Wondered what he would do while Waiting for the Week to Pass so he could Take Off this Dress that Mikado had Forced him to Wear for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All.

However, Teruya couldn't Let his Guard Down at All.

If he Wanted to Prevent that from Happening then he would have to Keep his Guard Up.

He'll have Time to Prepare for that but, it still Terrified him just Knowing what would Happen that Day.

For Now, he'll Keep his Guard Up incase Something Unexpected Happen's.


Holy Shit!

I actually Gained Enough Motivation to Finish this Chapter!

Anyway's, I have an Announcement-

I'm Sure a Lot of you have Heard me Say this before-

You See, I'm Making a Fanganronpa ( Fanganronpa's ).

You Might be Wondering why I'm Mentioning this, Right?

Well, I Need Help on My Fanganronpa ( Fanganronpa's ).

I'm Working on My First Fanganronpa and I Want to Post it on YouTube and Share it on Wattpad as Well

However, the Process will Take a Long Time and it's Difficult to Make a Project Solo

If AnyOne Want's to be a Music Creator, Voice Actor, Script Writer ( Whatever you Call them because I have No Clue what They're Called- ), or Etc. You can Private Message me or Contact me on YouTube ( My YouTube Channel is VoidTale Alexa. I'm Wanting to Change the Name of My YouTube Channel as Well- ).

That's All for Today!

I'll Try to Update when I can-

Anyway's, GoodBye!

( 616 Word's )

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