Chapter 24: What Happened After The Confession

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This is what Happened after Teruya had Confessed his Feeling's to Yamato-

Also, this Chapter Happen's a Week after Teruya had Confessed his Feeling's to Yamato-

YamaRuya Fluff!!!!!!!


Take this YamaRuya Fluff-

Anyway's, Enjoy!


It's been a Week since Teruya had Confessed to Yamato that he had Feeling's for him.

It has also been a Week since the Both of them had Started Dating without AnyOne Knowing about it at All.

Yamato and Teruya have Decided to Keep their RelationShip a Secret from the Other's.


Well, They Wanted to Keep it a Secret because They weren't Sure how the Other's would React to them Being in a RelationShip Together.

Beside's, it's a Lot More Fun for the Both of them to Keep their RelationShip a Secret.

Along with the Fact that the Both of them had Decided that They were just Drop Off Hint's Every once and a while to See what would Happen.

" Yamato? "

Teruya had Asked Calmly and Gently as Yamato had Turned to Looked at Teruya who was Sitting on the Couch while Yamato had a Confused Look on his Face.

" Yes, Otori? "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Teruya had just Sighed in Response before Speaking Up once Again.

" How do you Think the Other's will React to us Dating? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently as his Eye's had Suddenly Widened along with him Starting to Panick All of a Sudden.

" Oh God! What if They Hate us?! What if They're Disgusted by us?! "

Teruya had said Panicking yet Nervously as Yamato had immediately Stopped what he was Doing before Running Over Toward's Teruya along with Hugging Teruya.

" Teruya, Look at me. "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently as he had Used One of his Hand's to Place on Teruya's Face before Making Teruya Look at him.

" Don't EVER Say that. They won't Hate us. And even if They did Hate us, we shouldn't Care about what They Think. "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently as he had Connected their Lip's once Again.

The Kiss was eventually Separated once Teruya had Finally Calmed Down.

" It'll be Fine, Otori. I Promise you that. "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya had just Smiled in Response before Wrapping his Arm's Around Yamato.

" If you Say so, Yamato. "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently as he had just Buried his Head into Yamato's Shoulder.

" I Love you, Yamato. "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently as Yamato had just Simply Smiled in Response before Kissing Teruya's ForeHead.

" I Love you too, Otori. "

Yamato had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya had just Simply Hummed in Response.

Next Thing that Yamato Knew was that Teruya had Fallen Asleep on his Shoulder without Any Warning

However, Yamato had just Simply Chuckled in Response before he had Picked Up Teruya along with Heading Toward's the BedRoom.

Then Yamato had Placed Teruya onto the Bed Gently and Covered him Up with the Blanket before he had Layed Down on the Bed, UnderNeath the Blanket before Pulling Teruya into a Hug.

Yamato had Decided to Allow Sleep to Consume him.

The Two had Stayed there, Asleep in EachOther's Arm's.


I have Completed this Chapter!!!!!!!!

Also, Something Happened Not to Long Ago-

Either Last Week or the Beginning of this Week, My Mom was Rubbing My Back with her Hand because of how Much Pain I was in-

Suddenly, she Felt Something inside of My Body Move just Like how My Lung's have Shifted/Moved-

Turn's Out, she Felt My Spine Move-

It's just Creepy Thinking about it-

Imagine if you Felt SomeOne's Spine just Move-

I would Probably Gag, Feel Nauseous, Sick to My Stomach, or Throw Up-

Also, My Back is Affecting My Health as Well-

I can Barely Eat Anything at All and I don't Eat as Much as a Human should Eat EveryDay-

My Appointment to the Doctor in Order to Find Out what's Wrong with My Back is in 5 Day's Now-

After October 5th, it'll be 4 Day's until I Go to the Doctor-

I Appreciate the Support that All of you have Given me!

Especially you Two TogoTodorkroki and MiyuAaaaWth

Anyway's, I'll See All of you in the Next Chapter!

( 715 Word's )

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