Chapter 59 - Strategic Retreat

Start from the beginning

"You shouldn't have lost so easily to that girl Jeanne."

"B-But she's your niece right? AND AND She's like the daughter of GABRIEL! Of course, she'd be a mon-"

"No excuses, I'll increase your training regiment from here on out." Marilyn says ominously while looking down on Jeanne with a dark look in her eyes and a shadow covering the upper half of her face.

"NOOOOOO!" Jeanne screamed to the sky in despair.

Cebrail sitting in a nearby house was against the wall.

Quickly Elmenhilde popped out of the Angel's shadow and frantically went to her side.

After interacting with her for a few days and seeing her fight before she was a bit guilty of thinking of Cebrail as someone that couldn't lose, but seeing her so exhausted this perception was shattered.

Her already pale skin was almost translucent, her school uniform was drenched in sweat, and even her yellow eyes looked a bit duller. Though her cute little frown and her furrowed brows still showed that she had quite a bit of life still left in her.

"You. Emmy. Are you hurt?" Cebrail asked the Vampire in concern.

"No I'm fine, it was just an iron sword so healing the damage is easy." Elmenhilde was a bit touched by the Angel worrying about her.

"Muu... Sorry."

"Huh? What are you apologizing for?" Elmenhilde was both surprised and confused by Cebrail's sudden apology.

"I usually fight alone so protecting people isn't one of my strong suits."

Elmenhilde scratched her head a bit as she looked at Cebrail's downcast expression.

(She's completely ready to take responsibility, such a good girl! Though perhaps She was a bit too quick to apologize for not being able to account for every little possibility...) Elmenhilde thought that it was perfectly reasonable for Cebrail to think her aunt wouldn't target her in their fight.

"It's really fine I'm telling you. Though if you really want to repent you can always just give me a gift in exchange~" Elmenhilde though she didn't think it was necessary to apologize over it couldn't help but try and take advantage of this rare opportunity.

Looking at the Vampire with determined eyes Cebrail nodded her head and said "If you want a city I'll buy it. If you want a lover I'll kidnap one. If you need power I'll provide it."

Hearing the resolve in Cebrail's voice Elmenhilde felt a bit guilty but she continued on her quest anyways.

"Could you wear a school swimsuit?" An utterly "pure" wish from an utterly "pure" Vampire.

"...?..." Cebrail looked at Elmenhilde with such a deep confusion that she just sat there silently for a few minutes. It was enough time for her to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. "I see. So you have that kind of hobby...?"

Though Cebrail's face had returned to its normal thousand-yard stare Elmenhilde could feel that she was being judged.

"Only for you!" Elmenhilde winked and stuck out her tongue while making a cute gesture.

"I see. So long as you aren't sexually harassing other people I guess that's fine." Cebrail seemed noticeably relieved by the Vampires' words and even agreed to wear the swimsuit. However now Elmenhilde didn't care so much about that.

"Wait. Wha-What's that supposed to mean?" She was a bit flustered as her mind contorted Cebrail's words into various meanings.

"Y-Y-You'd better not be flirting with any other girls B-Baka!" Tsundere Cebrail.

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