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        15:03 PM

        As I walked through the large halls I could hear screaming, crying and lots of papers being thrown. You see, its the last day of school which means that the kids are crying, everyone is throwing away their homework, and now kids can burn the school down to smithereens like last year. I better get going before I end up helping burn the school down, like last year (don't ask).

I shuddered having flashbacks to last year... I better run before Octavian finds me-

Lots of "Bye Cameron!" "See you next year Cameron!" "Have a great summer Cameron!" "See ya later redhead!" And "Cya Cam!"'s were said from Teachers and Students alike. I said the same thing back to be polite even though I didn't talk to many students. Some I didn't even recognize. Either way, I had to get out and pick up my siblings from their school.

I pushed open the door and walked out, I looked back at my school seeing the large 'Oxford Highschool' at the top.

See you soon... and off I went going about my day like any other.

Little did I know that I wouldn't see that school anytime soon...

Authors Note!

Hello! First of all, thank you so much for clicking onto this book! 

Just a bit of clarification, the setting is set it Oxford Britain. I am not from Britain nor have I ever gone there, so I'm not sure if what I'm writing is accurate, nor have I been all the places our protagonist is going, I have not been there unless I say so.  Second, The point of view will change randomly sometimes. And lastly, If I get anything wrong, like a word in a language wrong, please inform me so I can fix it. Other than that, please enjoy this book, and if you have any question, just ask!


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