Chapter 24

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Taehyung was set aback at the sudden change in the environment. Before sometime , he was enjoying ice cream with his brother and talking about his first crush and now ....his first crush came back all ruined . Her beautiful body was ruined . The skin's material had ripped at some points and one of the eye was gauging out connected with wires .

One of her arm was fully seperated from her body and there were supposedly claw marks on her legs . His eyes couldn't hold the tears as he sobbed , sitting next to the ruins . He started hitting the floor violently , at this point his hands were shaking as his fresh blood stained the white tiles .

Jungkook was more scared then shocked ." W-who did this ? "
"One of our robots..." Pluto said , head hanging low in shame . He was ashamed of not being able to help y/n . He was ashamed for the behaviour of all the robots and their views towards humans .

"I will fix her ....but....on who's side are you?" Taehyung said , slowly gathering her broken limbs .
"I....WE BOTH ARE ON HUMAN'S SIDE !" Judo spoke up . He didn't wanted robots to rule earth . Not after knowing who was right and who was wrong .

By coincidence or by fortune both Nayeon and Jimin ran into the room . They were shocked to see the wrecked up body of y/n . Nayeon gasped as she sat next to y/n . She saw something purple shining on the neck of now broken robot discovering the fact that y/n actually made a pendant out of the gem and wore it . Everyone was sad in the room . Taehyung took a deep breath , wiped his tears and picked up y/n's remains and headed towards his mini lab .

"You !" Jungkook ran towards judo . Grabbing onto his tshirt that jungkook made him wear . His eyes were filled with rage . "Tell your boss that a dickhead like him could never have so much power that he can rule our planet!" Saying so he backed off . Just at the same time taehyung came out of the room and gave him a chip.

"Act as if you're with them and tell us what they are up to ..... understood?" Judo nod his head and started running towards megadon. "Y/n i know i should not leave you alone ...but .... it's important... everytime I was dumb and you were right ...but this time .... you're wrong ...try to understand.....humans are far more better then those fucking robots who made you their slave ....i will save earth and so should you .....we need to do right ."

They say robots cannot feel emotions , judo was also a robot . It was not like he was an outcast . But he had feelings . What type of magic taehyung had done while fixing him up that he started thinking . He developed emotions.  He knew the right path .

Upon reaching the island judo was horrified to see how the robots had a made a base in such a small fragment of time . "What if i plant a bomb in there ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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