Chapter 10

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Oye pabo~~ where did you got this from ?
Taehyung asked jungkook who was trying to get inside the robot's head that had some empty space .
Hyung firstly you come here !
Jungkook said as he continued his search operation on the robot . Taehyung , who had to listen to the younger , tried his best and eventually got up to the point where he can see the little space jungkook was talking about .

It had seats controller and even a mic .....

It looks like a fighting robo ... But who might've used it ?
Taehyung was actually confused then being happy for this big discovery .
Well hyung~ we should keep it as a secret .
Taehyung hummed in response .

After looking here and there for more information , Taehyung and Jungkook just thought to end it here and took a boat to S.Korea .

When they finally reached Seoul, in  their apartment. Taehyung took out that metal ball from his bagpack and headed out to his lab .

He put a do not disturb board before shutting the door close .

Jungkook huffed .
Everyday's drama !! He never talks to me , it's like he's ignoring me .
A tear escaped jungkook's eyes when he thought about their childhood .


Nae !!
Appa ~
Little kookie and taetae ran towards their parents who had came to pick them up from the kindergarten .

Mr Kim picked up both of them and made them sit on the backseat .
So~~ what does kookie want ?
Mrs Kim asked while chuckling at lil jungkook's cuteness .
Banana milkue~~
Lil jungkook shouted , flashing a cute smile to his precious eomma .
And what does the tiger taetae wants ?
Mrs Kim asked lil taehyung .
Taehyung the noodle lover of the family spoke up .

Oke~~ we're here !!
Mr Kim said as he stopped by the shop .
Taehyung and Jungkook not wanted to touch the floor hopped on Mr Kim's shoulders . Grabbing him by his head and smiling brightly .

End of flashback

Jungkook crouched down , tears uncontrollably flowing from his eyes . And a smile crept on his face . The smile his eomma loved the most . He smiled thinking about the times he and taehyung messed with his eomma appa and then hide in the closet .
Jungkook remembered something .

One day jungkook and Taehyung were hiding in the closet after breaking the window while playing cricket . They both were silently giggling while hiding when they heard a sound
Bang ! Bang !
They both heard two gunshots . After more then two hours they thought eomma appa didn't came to find them . They both got out
Only to find Mr and Mrs Kim lying on the ground , dead due to getting shot on the head .

They both were grabbing each other's hands and Taehyung and Jungkook's photo . Both of them had tears flowing from their eyes .
Little Jungkook ran up to his parents and tried to wake them up..
Eomma !! Appa !! Wake up !!
Kookie will never be a bad boy again !! Please wake up !!!
Hyung !! See !! Eomma appa aren't waking up !!

Thinking all that disturbed Jungkook's peace and he got up with his Jacket and headed out to the bar to take out his frustrations by drinking .

ROBOTICजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें