Chapter 23

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Judo couldn't believe anything that was happening around him . He saw thousands of robots landing on the island . Some of them started repairing megadon while some of them started making a base . Judo started searching for y/n everywhere
Where are you y/n.......

He froze at a spot after seeing the view in front of him . There layed y/n ....broken into pieces . Judo was not programmed to cry but he had emotions . Living with humans taught him such a quality. He knew if someone saw y/n's remains like that ...they will surely won't hesitate to destroy the already destroyed body more .

He started picking up each nut or bolt he could find around the scene . He was regretting for not being with y/n . If he tried to talk to her more calmly then she woud've been ok . She woud've been in a fucking single piece .

Judo has started hating robots and trusting humans and this incident made him completely against the robot colony . He wanted all the robots to be dead . He didn't wanted them to rule the world . Robots who considered humans as little demon were actually themselves demons in disguise .

He knew that only one person will help him . Picking up y/n disintegrated body he ran towards megadon . I need to get out of here 

In only such a small time , the robots managed to repair megadon . They saw judo running towards megadon and supposed that he is excited to finally get it fixed . But judo was not running towards megadon for excitement . He had a plan .

Judo ran inside megadon, holding the remaining pieces of y/n . He connected thru megadon's systems and closed his eyes ." Fly" he said and megadon got up and his engines started emitting a flash . "Yes!" Megadon flew , the robots were shocked at the sudden movement as some of them got crushed by the gigantic robot . "Head towards Busan."

It was night in Korea as taehyung and jungkook sat together facing the sky . "Kookie? "
"Yes hyung?"
"That robot....why do I feel like I know them .... something about them makes me question about my life ....i feel like .....we have a relation...."
"Now don't tell me you had a crush on that robogirl " jungkook chuckled pushing taehyung with his own bodyweight as to tease him .

"And what if i say yes?"

"HYUNG!?!!"  Jungkook screamed , his eyes widely open . "I mean....she was pretty hot..."
Taehyung this time hit jungkook with his elbow . They both chuckled and jungkook rested his head on taehyung's shoulder . They both were eating their ice cream when they saw a big robot , somewhat similar , flying towards them .

The big robot landed on the big park in front of their house and out came judo . With some broken pieces in his hand . Taehyung has a gut feeling that something wasn't right and he started running towards the park .


The humanoid spoke while holding onto the remaining pieces of his beloved friend.

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