Chapter 4.5 Post Credit

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In Japan, markets and streets were filled with both alien races and humans mingling together. Among them was a mysterious figure cloaked entirely in black, complete with a black kasa and a hidden katana. This stranger moved stealthily through the shadows, unnoticed by those around.

In an instant, he dashed up to a rooftop, where he paused to take in the view illuminated by the bright moonlight. Closing his eyes, he allowed the gentle breeze to caress his face, a small smile forming as he savored the moment. "This never gets old, does it, Edward?" a voice called from behind him. Turning to look, he saw a woman adorned with a red and black dragon mask that obscured her features, dressed in traditional Japanese warrior attire. She stood confidently, her twin kusarigama slung in front of her.

"Yeah, it certainly feels that way, Talia," Edward said, glancing at her before returning his gaze to the full moon

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Yeah, it certainly feels that way, Talia," Edward said, glancing at her before returning his gaze to the full moon. 

He sighed heavily, looking down as he pulled out a photo. It showed him alongside his seven-year-old daughter, who wears sky blue braided smiling in the photo both wearing Dark blue long Open Toe Stirrup Knee High Socks. Dark blue Beijing shoes. Dark blue Essence Mock leggings. Navy blue Essence Mock Neck Support Tank. Navy blue Fingerless Long Gloves Thumbhole Arm Warmer Sleeve Elbow Length. Both carry double twin swords. poised with the same spirit that once united him and Luna back in their homeland. Memories began to flood his mind, reminding him of their shared moments together.

In the dojo, Edward guided Luna in her training, where she wore a blindfold to enhance her awareness of the sounds around her rather than to see. Luna stood still, wooden practice sword in hand, her eyes closed as she focused intently on the environment.

Assuming a fighting stance with her sword poised to the right, she prepared for action. Edward stood behind her, and she spun around, aiming to strike him. However, he quickly dodged her attack. Undeterred, Luna advanced and tried again, but Edward continued to evade her with agility. A playful smirk appeared on her face as she vanished from sight. Edward, never one to relax his defenses, closed his eyes, tuning into the sounds of the dojo and the gentle breeze.

From behind, Luna made another attempt to attack, but Edward parried her strike and knocked the sword from her hand. It clattered to the ground as he swept her leg, but she executed a front flip, landing gracefully and silently.

Edward beamed at her, and she returned the smile, bowing her head in acknowledgment, which he mirrored. "Well done, Luna," he praised as she removed her blindfold and set it aside, her face alight with joy. "Thank you, Father," she replied, stepping forward to embrace him. He hugged her tightly, one hand around her shoulder and the other gently resting on her head, pride shining in his eyes as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

As Edward's flashback ended, he put the photo away, and Talia noticed the pain and sadness in his eyes. Gently placing her hand on his right arm, she said, "I understand what you're going through, Edward. I miss my children just as much as you do. I truly believe that one day we will see both of our children again." She spoke with a bittersweet smile. Edward absorbed her words and nodded. "You're right, Talia... But the Foot Clan is still out there, searching for us and our children," he replied. "That's why we agreed it would be safer for our kids to stay in New York City with their great-grandmother, who is currently protecting and training them." Talia nodded in agreement. "Yes," she confirmed.

Suddenly, they both noticed a flash of light on their wrists indicating a message from Klay. They exchanged a glance and nodded before taking off, but Edward paused to gaze at the moon. 'Don't worry... My daughter; I will come back and see how you've grown,' he thought before sprinting toward their secret base, a location hidden from the world since the evacuation of their nations and people.

Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious black-clad warrior had been eavesdropping on their conversation. The stranger turned and ascended the mountains.

Upon reaching the Foot Clan palace, the guards permitted the warrior entry. He knelt and bowed before his master. "Your report, commander," the master said while facing the window. "I have located them, Master Hiroto," the warrior replied. Hiroto turned to face him, looking pleased. "Well done. Once we have them, they'll certainly lead us to the four dragon gems. But first, I need to consult an old friend in America," he declared. The commander nodded. "Of course, Master," he said, and they left, unaware that someone in the shadows was watching their departure.

Luna's eyes widened in shock as she gasped, the flickering candles around her reminding her of her great-grandmother's lessons. Rising to her feet, she extinguished the candles and carefully returned them to the cabinet, her mind racing with the realization that the Foot Clan had survived all these years.

Curious about a voice emanating from Cody's lab, she cautiously approached, only to find Darius at the computer. Anger surged within her, but she forced herself to listen. "I assure you, Hiroto, I will locate those children and conduct experiments with their DNA," Darius declared. "You better," Hiroto replied brusquely before ending the call.

Stunned by the confirmation that the Foot Clan was still operational, Luna slipped away back to her room, ensuring she wasn't seen. Meanwhile, Leo, who had been lurking in the shadows of the hallway, decided to keep this information to himself for the moment. He planned to talk to Luna soon to uncover the truth. 'Whatever Darius is plotting with those kids, I will do everything in my power to protect them,' he thought as he headed to the dojo.

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