Chapter 1: Future Shellshock!

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Raph and Mikey were arguing over the remote and what to watch, Leo sighs in annoyance as he enters the room with Master Splinter and Donnie" Fifteen years of ninja training and it all comes down to ultimate smackdown vis zombies from Saturn 4." Leo comment looking at them fighting over the remote Master Splinter sighs" where did I go wrong?" Master splinter said shakes his head. Raph and Mikey began fighting onto the other sofa Leo and Donnie joined sometime later fighting over the remote jumped onto Raph and Mikey pinning them down and sending the remote flying Master Splinter catches it and finally steps in but using his cane and the rug to trap them together. Master Splinter lands on the sofa with his legs crossed while holding the remote in his hand" besides this is spotless, you all know my soaps are on in 5 minutes" Master Splinter comments the boys were still struggling to get out of the rug until Mikey steps up still tied up of the rug along with his brothers" That's still five minutes of SCI-FI goodness." Mikey says reaching out his foot and switching the channel.

Only... There was a quick bright flash, causing their weapons to disappear the surroundings to change slightly" Hey, where are our masks, and our weapons I feel totally naked here!" Raph panicked before they all turned to Master Splinter" Not a word" he threatens, his tail swishing until Mikey turned around and screamed with his eyes wide open" Wah! The TV's Gone" Mikey exclaimed" forget the TV the whole lair is trashed" Leo comment looking around seeing the lair destroyed and trashed everywhere" Outside, Quickly!" Master Splinter instructs. Everyone follows Leo, who was leading them all out and exits through the nearest manhole cover, only to gasp and stare in shock" Nice going, Mikey! You didn't just change the channel, you changed the whole fricking world!" Raph echoes only his voice showed annoyance too.

They were all sneaking around the newly changed city, while trying not to be spotted they were all looking at the version of New York City seeing so modern and high tech with all the hover cars, trucks, and trains. Plus there were aliens-like beings walking around" Alright, who attacked us and where are we? Any ideas" Leo whispers" A truck suddenly drives past us and stops some distance away, they all peeked around the corner only to see some dinosaur-looking alien walk around the back and open the door." Now, we're getting somewhere. Stinking tricerations!" Raph grunts, Pounding his fist." Let's see what devastating device they've planted. It's Ninja Time!" Mikey cheers, jumping over the truck without waiting for his brothers and Master." Mikey wait!" Leo calls." Triceration paper boys" Mikey comment looking at the high-tech newspaper" Awesome, they even have a whole video game section!" he said only the door closes shortly" uh oh," he said. His brothers and Master gasp as the door closes with Mikey inside then it was starting to take off" After that truck" Leo panics with the others following. As they rode in that direction they noticed a sign above reading: Uptown level 1, Temperature 72, Gravity 3, Terran air content sulfurous" Huh?" they all chorus only to suddenly their bodies get dragged.

"Great" Leo paused then coughed" we're here two minutes and we've already lost Mikey plus we're now criminals" Leo comments. Abruptly a car appears beside us and the door window of the front seat opens. There was a shadowy figure inside" Get in if you want to live." he said. They all gasped in fear but then the back door opens for them" Get in there's no time to dilly dally" the robot man spoke again.


An 11 years old female turtle who carries twin tech katana's and wears a braid sky blue bandana ran into the building and started giving orders to her cousins waking every one of them up" Wake up guys, we gotta move if we don't wanna be bulldozed by Cody's uncle again." she reminded her cousins as they started to wake up. Her name is Hamato Luna and she's basically the leader of the family. She's been keeping a close eye on Cody's uncle recently feeling like something's off about him 4 years ago when she and her cousins got to New York City. She's not sure what it is exactly but she's gonna find out, sooner or later. Her great grandmother Venus De Milo showed her and her cousins the masters of martial arts as a ninja and a kunoichi, a female ninja before the day their parents have to go they all don't know what happen to their parent's but know that one day they will come back. Venus De Milo told Luna that the reason they hide from Cody's uncle is because that she and Darius made a contract, that if she finds him experimenting on Luna or her cousins she'll try to find a way to close down O'Neil tech for good, but if she dies Darius will come after them to take good care of them. So they made a deal and as years past she died from a tragic accident on her way home but they all think it was more than an accident. Luna kept her father's martial arts book ever since he left then she started teaching her cousins the masters of being a ninja under their master and parent's honor, but apparently, the deal was off, master Venus took them to a forbidden hidden place where nobody can find them until they were spotted somehow.

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