Cody Jones

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Home: New York City, and Earth.

Aliases: Mr. Jones

Nickname(s): Kid, Cody, Nerd.

Date of birth: 4/28/2090

Abilities: Ninjutsu, and Technological genius.

Species: Human

Weapon(s) of choice: Turtle X, and Ninja tech Hockey scythe.

Occupation: Scientist

Affiliation: O'neil tech and Turtles

Gender: Male

Eye color: Green

Era(s): Fast Forward and Back To the sewer.

First appearance: Future Shellshock!

Voiced by: Pete Capella

Teacher(s): Master Splinter, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Ralph, and Luna.

Hair: Red

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward: GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now